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The floor to ceiling windows allow the twinkling lights of New York to shine in. It's the only light that enters the room, producing shadows on the deep cream walls, not that either girl are aware of that.

Taylor stares lovingly at the taller girl. The singer is lying on the bed while Karlie stands by the glass panes, an ethereal glow to her face as she admires the place she's called home, even if she's always been alone here. She holds a glass of wine inbetween her long fingers. Taylor hadn't been sure on whether to let her drink: after all the incidents that have occurred in the short time they've known each other, it seems risky. The model insisted however, assuring her lover that she's perfectly in control.

"Come lie with me," Taylor requests, holding out an arm so she can envelope the younger girl into her.

Karlie glances at the wrist watch that she bought recently. "I should probably go Taylor," she sighs.

The older woman pouts, "but you're safe."

"And I'm also with my teacher," the brunette points out, "and as much as I'd love to stay here, my mom is being very over protective."

Taylor groans, "you shouldn't have had that drink. Why did I let you?"

"It's fine Tay." The brunette almost immediately closes up. "I don't need two people acting like my parent."

"I just care."

Karlie sighs. "I'm just not used to it. But I'll stay I guess." Now reluctance has entered her tone and Taylor isn't sure why. She isn't sure if it's because she doesn't want to be with her or some other reason.

"If you don't want to you don't have to," the older woman rushes.

Knowing that her lover heard her hesitance, the brunette explains- "I don't wanna lie to my mom. She's trying to be a good mom so maybe I should try be a good daughter."

Taylor is about to reply when Karlie speaks into the silence- "I'll tell her I'm with Gigi. Because I do want to stay."

Sitting on the king sized bed, the brunette sends the text with ease before lying back and throwing the phone across the room. She wants to be with someone who cares and that person is Taylor.

They lie together in the relative darkness for a few minutes while Karlie watches the New York skyline and Taylor watches her do that with interest. There's something about the younger girl that intrigues her and that's something she's never found before. Most of her previous relationships have been founded from lust and not trust.

"You look gorgeous."

Rolling over so their bodies are touching, the brunette smiles. "Don't laugh at me."

Taylor nods.

"I love you."


"Bye love," Karlie's Mother calls from her car. Over the Christmas break, their relationship flourished and the teenager is blinking back tears as they part. She's then encased by all three of her sisters at the same time in a chorus of 'I love you' and 'miss you'. As they all depart, Kristy whispers,

"It's for the best."

Within the next minute they're all out of sight and Karlie is left alone. Usually in the vibrant city she'd feel alive but now a sense of emptiness has flooded her. The skyscrapers don't seem as appealing, giant concrete and glass masses that merely crowd the sky and get in the way of her dreams. However it's less than a day until she'll be back in England so maybe she can shop to take up the excess time. Even Taylor is flying to the foreign country currently.

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