My Boss Is Hotter Than Yours

Start from the beginning

Though the whole situation is totally factual and normal, my conscious mind is making it so horrendous by increasing it’s mutuality with my subconscious.

Louis is just here to meet and have a talk with Zayn, Reen. His appearance shouldn’t give you goosebumps and stop staring at the tattoo on his fingers because you’d definitely find his eyes on you when you look up.

I curse under my breath when I find out my subconscious was warning me the accurate thing, his wide eyes are on me like it’s gonna burn the layer of fabrics on my skin just by a flicker. Why he’s always staring at me like I’ve ran away after killing someone and he’s the secret hired detective?

“So this is your room, I’d send Shawn in your room in a few minutes. All the best on your first day, I hope you'd love it here.” Zayn tells pointing to the brown wooden door.

Smiling at me, they both walk to the room beside and Louis enters the room after Zayn.

Putting a big satisfied smile over my lips, I swirl the doorknob and enter inside. My big smile widens when I close the door behind me and look around the room. The whole room is painted sky blue, the wall opposite to the medium wooden desk and the ceiling is only painted white.
I walk near the window and look down where the cars are looking like slowly moving ants. There’s a shelf beside the desk where different colored files are organized according to color, making it to look like a jumbled color rainbow.

Moving towards the big chair, I sit on it and succeed to form a long satisfying breath along with a wide smile. My smile widens when I go through the good luck texts from a number of supporting people I have around me. Maybe I don’t have a lot of friends but the few I have, can be compared to a large supporting group.

A knock on the door snaps me out and I sit straight on the chair, mouthing a come in.

The door opens with a jerk and a guy with brown hair enters inside, flashing his light brown smiling eyes underneath his matt brown wide metal frames. He chuckles lightly closing the door after I stand up watching him moving towards me.

“Reen Glena, no wonder the person working beside Zayn’s room could be less beautiful than a model on magazine covers.” He smiles stretching his right hand towards me. “Shawn, not Shawn the sheep, Shawn Mendes.”

I fail to connect our hands and shake them formally hearing his little joke. I take a moment to control myself. Clearing my throat, I look at him, putting a half smirk over my face.

“Looks like it’s gonna be fun working here. None of you’re the typical arrogant workers.” I smile looking down at my legs before looking at his brown eyes again.

“Listen,” He wiggles his eyebrows not removing the cute smile from his lips. “Zayn has made it like a club in a society where you’d like to go on weekends to meet people. We call each other with our names, sometimes even pet names. You’d never feel like you’re working as his employee, we’re more like a family. So chill, any problem just call this Shawn the superman! Always at your service madame!” He yells the last words with a dramatic heavy voice and then laughs.

“You’re more than cute, Shawn.” I giggle tossing my head.

Days ago I was feeling sorry for myself that why I don’t have a job like Oren. Now I’m feeling more than lucky to get a job like this.

Patience, patience has always been the synonym of upcoming better things in life.

There was a day when I felt I’m just living just because I was born. Then I made my mind to the other way. Why don’t I live because I want to live? Life was gifted to me, it’s not it's fault if curses are hugging me. So why not hug myself so that I don’t feel the necessity of anyone hugging me?

“Let’s tell you how to organize these files and your daily tasks. It’s so easy.” He makes his way to the pile of files and I follow him.

He defines how the types of records are maintained according to the colors. He makes me a list of phone numbers I need to remember and draws a wink smiley beside his phone number. We make our way to the desktop computer before he shows me the soft copies and confidential files kept in different drives.

“So, that’s it! I told you it’s nothing.” He yawns dramatically and jumps over the desk, sitting there with his long legs hanging down the desk.

“Thanks a lot Shawn, I’m really glad to have someone like you here.” I walk closer to him and stand there with my arms crossed over my chest.

“So what’s your plan for lunch? If you don’t have problem, you can always join me. But warning!” He smirks pulling me to him by my wrist, putting a few inches distance between us before making a serious face. “I eat a lot and when I eat, I eat with my mouth open to satisfy all my taste buds.”

We both burst into laughter and I swat his muscular forearm playfully which is bare due to his rolled up sleeves. I see him dabbing his index finger gently down his eyes to remove the drop of tear he got from laughing. He puts his hands on my shoulder and jerks me.

“You were in a hella serious mood to say this Shawn!” I cough and jerk my head.

The doorknob swirling knocks both of us but we forget to move from our position. Shawn’s hand slid down from my shoulders in a moment and he clears his throat watching the person with straight face at the door.

“I was knocking the door since a long but the only thing I heard instead of a permission to come in is laugh.” Louis tells not closing the door behind him, his off-white coat hanging over his tattooed forearm which is now under the sleeve of his black button up.

Shawn leaves when Louis tells him that Zayn is calling him, leaving me alone in the room with this annoyingly attractive bitch. I roll my eyes at the ground before flashing him a minimum smile. Of course not expecting him to smile back, I rise my eyebrows looking at him when he doesn’t go out from the room.

“Shoo shoo!” I stick up my tongue and do my little victory dance after he storms out of the room.

*Interested to hear the horrible sound you make when eating, would join you at lunch. –Reen.*

Texting my first text to Shawn’s number, I relax on my chair, making my mind busy with the led screen in front of me.

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