I'm not Reen, I'm coated as Oren

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I see as a shade of nervousness starts to cover all the emotions present in her face. She tiptoes towards me slowly, not breaking the gaze.

“Is he back......... back in this area? His old house?” She nearly whispers fearfully.

“I don’t know. I’ve met him once only, the day I was coming back home after losing my job. I don’t know he’s living in the opposite house of ours or not, the house he used to live in. I don't wanna know, the thought of him living opposite of our house is nasty Oren.” I take a long breath looking down as I feel Oren’s hand caressing the cold skin of my arm lightly.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I'm fine.” I half smile looking at her, patting her shoulder lightly. "Even if I'm not, I'd be fine."

“Now give me a hug.” Oren pouts stretching her hands and I hug her tightly, squeezing her lightly which is literally squeezing my pain away.

She pushes me back gently when her phone starts ringing. She walks out of the kitchen after mouthing me that it’s her boss.

Boss, Louis, Louis Tomlinson, the man who has made me to stand on a thin string between hate and like. I know I can’t keep standing on this string forever but I don’t know which side to step in; He has made me confused.
I can’t deny that I have never felt so attacked by the gaze of a pair of eyes only. But I can’t also avoid the hate I have been purposely planting in my mind for him since I came back to London.


“Are you sure you’re going?” Bebe asks after zipping me up in the black dress hugging me right now.

I look at myself in the mirror once the dress is flawlessly clutched around me. I made sure it’s not too short like the last time in the dinner party in NYC, so it ends down my knees.

“Yeah because I feel sorry for Oren. She was expecting me to get ready even when she was just on the doorstep, just before leaving for the party. She’s already sad for her breakup and getting upset because of me would be the last cruel thing she would expect.” I tell while brushing the mascara against my thick eyelashes, not bothering to curl them up.

“Make sure you keep your pretty reckless mouth shut in front of your annoyingly attractive bitch baby!” Bebe winks playfully ticking her tongue against her teeth.

“Don’t teach me how to be a pretty little liar babe.” I chuckle taking the purse in my hand, shoving my phone inside it.

“But he makes you a bad liar isn’t it?” She smirks when I walk towards Fiona, making me frown at her truth hitters.

“Where’s Liam?” I gasp placing a kiss on sleeping Fiona’s forehead.

“Probably sleeping on the couch. I don’t know why you just can’t call only me when you want me to babysit Fiona!” She gasps when we walk together to the dining hall. “It’s easier to babysit one actual baby than two babies!”

I laugh looking at a sleeping Liam on the couch. His one leg is on it while the other one is hanging with the armrest. He’s hugging bubbah against his stomach like someone’s gonna take the love of his life from him. His lips slightly apart cutely while his soft snores starts filling the entire hall.

“Have fun with the big baby, Bebe Mommy!” I wink and then smirk sheepishly looking at her while earning a smack on my arm from her. "Ouch, it hurts when you workout everyday Bebe!"

Of course I know she has something for Liam but this idiot will never understand. I always tell her to ask him out for a date but she won’t. She keeps telling me that she has no feelings for him. As if she’s not the one who keeps staring at him during lunch when Liam chews lettuce grossly with his mouth open during lunch!

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