3 : soon

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All Louis could think about was Harry. He'd finished his shift for the night not so long after he dropped Harry off, and it's a good thing too. He was furious that he hadn't kissed him back, literally raging.

It might have been the only chance he had, and he didn't take it. Louis knew he was a screw up anyway, but he didn't realise that he could mess up something as simple as a kiss. But it wasn't really that simple. These opportunities didn't come around often for him, unlike they probably did for Harry.

He didn't want to take advantage of Harry, that was his reasoning.

Louis had gotten the impression that Harry was a tough lad; someone who didn't like to show his feelings. Harry had an image to keep up and he couldn't ruin it, but maybe he could now since he wasn't with Nate anymore? Maybe he could become gentle, caring, loving upfront, instead of always behind the curtain. Yes. Harry would like that, but Louis was the only one who'd truly seen Harry for Harry; the upset, emotional, no facade side of him. Of course, Louis didn't know that Harry kept that fact quite close to his heart.

Despite all the fluttering of butterflies and aching of hearts, Louis truly didn't know why he was feeling this way. Him and this boy, whose looks caught his eye, had hardly spoken... had hardly had time to know one another... didn't know one another, and yet here Louis was deciphering their future together. Why was he like that?
His Saturday afternoon shift wasn't at all entertaining, boring teen after boring teen and the occasional old lady who'd want to chat about her latest flower arrangement. He wasn't feeling his normal self. He'd had enough. He was about to head home when "She Looks So Perfect" started playing from the speaker of his phone.

He pulled over and lifted his iPhone 7 in rose gold off of the seat beside him. He hadn't told anyone that he liked that colour because it looked like pink; he loved that colour. And the ringtone... well. It was an ongoing joke that him and his mates from back in the day had: the irony being that the song states that " she looks so perfect" when really Louis only fancied men* (Harry*).

"Yes?" Louis spoke, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

There was a slight mumble at the other end asking for him to pick two guys up from the centre of town and take them to Abbey Road as quickly as possible; they were late for a recording session.

"Sure, yep! I'll be there in five." He hung up, lazily threw his phone back where it belonged and got going. Louis was willing to break the speed limit just so his day could be over with. One last ride, and he was done for the day. At last. He'd only have to drive a minute down the road to his house anyway.
The guys weren't hot, to Louis' disappointment, but they made conversation between themselves instead of talking to Louis, which he was relieved to notice. Yet still, they tipped him, winking as they exited. Usually, Louis would flirt back but he wasn't in the mood so he just gave a subtle nod in their direction.

He dropped them off directly outside the front door of the recording studios, not meaning to block the iconic zebra crossing where kids, teens and adults were queuing for their turn for a picture.

It was only then, when Louis was about to drive away, that he saw a youngish lad in a bright yellow suit with black decorations sewed upon it, frantically running down the studio steps.

Harry? Louis thought to himself. He'd definitely seen those lanky legs before. He remembered them from being dangled over his bonnet.

The sound was muffled, and could only just be heard through the thickness of the glistening, pristine windows, but Louis heard it: "Lou! Lou! Hey, Lou wait up!"

Louis stopped. Stopping his car for this lad seemed to have become a regular occurrence, but seeing him three times in the space of two weeks, after never ever meeting before? Weird.

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