Can't hide ...(McCree x Reader)

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It was a cold and cloudy day. There you were, laying on the couch, watching programs on TV that didn't even interested you... You were so bored... You thought about hanging out with some Overwatch members but... you just weren't in mood. To warm yourself up, you headed to the kitchen to prepare some hot chocolat . You took all the ingredients and mixed them together. Once done, you headed back to the living room to get yourself back in your blanket. You just noticed it was snowing outside. You loved snow since you were a little filly. You smiled at this beautiful view. You were snapped out of your trance by the sound of the door bell. Quickly, you went to the door and opened it and got surprised to see in front of you the oone and only Jesse McCree.

"Hey darlin'." he said with this big grin on his face. "Hey, McCree. I wasn't expecting you to visit." replying with a bigger one as you let him in. "Tought it would be nice for you to spend some time with your favorite cowboy and eat some snacks." showing me his hands with bags full of your favorite snacks. You leaded him to the couch letting him pose the bags on the table n front of the two of you. "Seriously...Date My Dauther. .. That's what you're watchin'. (Y.N)Are you this depressed..."  pointing at the TV as the program "Date My Dauther" was on. " I don't even know why I swatch the TV on . Guess I was just bored..." you said taking the remote ,swiching the TV off.  You stood up letting McCree alone to get some whiskey. You were trying to reach the bottle on the shelf but you couldn't... Too small... As you were on the tip of your toes, you felt amrs aroud your waist... You already knew who it was and you didn't mind. McCree has always been touchy with you and you actually loved when he does so.  "Need some help ?" he asked with his raspy yet soft voice and this smirk on his face. "I see I can not hide anything from you ..." you said as he takes the bottle of  whiskey with one hand still on me. You two began drinking, shots after shots, singing and telling silly stories, remembering the good days.

At about 11 p.m , you both were drunk. You had an awful headache due to the fact that you are not used to drinking so much wich amused Jesse a lot ... You two were back on the couch and have been quiet for a while. Silence was the only sound the room was filled with until Jesse broke it. "You know, we know each other now.... Do you remember that time when we were at this funfair in Orlando right after escorting the prime minister ?" he began. "Of course I do..." "Do you remember when you ate coton candy and you had some all over you mouth ?" he giggled recalling every moments. "Yeah, you laugh your ass out that day ..." I responded. " And when we were in the ferris wheel ?" he asked as he lowered his hat so you can not see him lightly blushing. He, of course, failed. "Am I dreaming ? Is Jesse McCree blushing ? Has he fell for me..." You replyed, teasing him. " What if he did..." he answered looking deep into your (e/c) eyes, letting you speechless and blushing... He began to lean closer to you, trapping you into his arms. He was studying your features and so were you with his. "McCree, you're drunk..."you said trying to push him off but he strenghten his grip even more. "Trust me, alcohol only gives me the courage I needed for all this time..." he said, placing one hand on your right cheek, tenderly brushing it with his thumb. He leaned in, kissing you gently. Your lips were dancing in union, letting the both of you melt into it, savouring it. You two have been wanting this for so long not beeing able to confess to each other. After a while you separated, placing a your fingers over your mouth,blushing like crazy...Still a little blindsided, you looked at him as he pull you into a warm and loving hug. "Jesse ?" "Yes , (Y/n) ?" he answered, his head on yours, caressing your side softly."I have to admit you have shot my heart a long ago..." you replyed, straightening up my head to meet his beautiful brown eyes. You lean forward, meeting his lips again, putting your small hands on his chest... After a moment, he pulled away, holding you by your chin, looking into your sparkling eyes,a smirk on his face.

"I see you really cannot hide anything from me..."

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