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A sigh escapes the boy's lips before taking a step towards her and gently taking her hand, "Even so," Juliette met his gaze that held a look of concern. 

"I wanted to spend time with you today. You're working too hard as well." feeling heat rise to her cheeks, she takes her hand away from him earning a faint chuckle from Nozel that further bewildered her. 'What is up with him!?'

"S-Seriously! Doing all of this is already a handful and n-now I have to babysit you!?" though her statement was nothing but clear aggravation directed towards Nozel, her face painted in crimson red became a dead giveaway earning another chuckle from the 'alien' beside her.

"Fine, fine! B-But I need to return home first. It's too cold for this kind of clothing." Nozel hummed in agreement, eyeing the young lady who stormed out of the temple with an irk mark evidently daubed on her forehead.


THE LAST TIME that the Silvas were welcomed in House Solace, Ryuu, Juliette's younger brother, did nothing but argue with Nebra and Solid. What started as little chaotic arguments later on turned into petty remarks that caused those involved trouble and punishment.

What punishment you may ask? Who knows, honestly, both Nozel and Juliette were certain that the way their parents discipline their siblings is far different from the methods used on them. 

That much they were sure.

Silence lingered in the atmosphere on their way to the destination. Juliette would've preferred it if they walked there together. But think, two young children who do not even possess a grimoire yet of high ranks, seen in the streets; walking, talking, or simply enjoying the view together. It would be a normal sight to those with normal minds. But if your head is filled with nothing but power-hungry schemes, such a scene would be like looking at two golden tickets for being rich, harmlessly flaunting themselves.

And as much as Nozel wanted to give in with Juliette's wishes, he feared their safety. The silver-haired Royal moved his hand to ease the pain of his back and accidentally nudged the brunette's shoulder, causing an audible groan to escape her lips.

'Great. Another reason to hate me.' he rolled his eyes.

What started as a cute, flowery, and sparkly friendship between the two somehow—for a reason he cannot comprehend— turned into this.

Perhaps they were growing up. Yes, that should be it.

"We are here, Lord Nozel, Lady Juliette." his ears perk up at the sound of the door swiveling open. On cue, he prompted that he should go down first, but Juliette dashed out before he could even have the chance.

Quite the number of attendants flooded the lobby upon the sight of the two, 'Not as many as ours...' he thought, but still, it was an adequate amount.

They walked through the halls together, Juliette being at least 5 feet ahead of him, "Your parents, are they...?"

"Still there? yes. They should be home by Tuesday." Nozel hummed in agreement to her answer.

"Is... how is Lady Acier? " 

"She's holding up, I guess. We're nearing December after all and it's already November tomorrow." she spared him a glance, knowing how delicate this topic was to him. To both of them, and everyone who was aware of what is to come.

'He's handling it so well...' 

"Isn't this your room already?" the girl snapped out of her thoughts to take a look at what he was pointing at.

"Oh, u-uhm, yes. You can... wait... at the living room." the young Silva wasn't entirely sure why she seemed so out of character today, but whatever it was, it was starting to worry him. Instead of asking, which he should've done, he merely gave a small nod and left without a word.

When he was out of sight, Juliette nearly screamed in relief. 'Why am I nervous around him all of sudden?!' there was a surge of new emotions running through her mind. Her hands were crying rivers, her stomach was feeling weird, and more importantly, she couldn't look at him straight in the eye.

'I think I need to see the Dr. that weird time mage likes to talk about,' she thought before removing her clothes and changing into a more suitable pair for the weather. 'It's seriously cold, and yet my hands are sweating. Ahh, I think I have a fever or something.' 

After closing the door to her room shut, she then slowly walked towards the living room with her mind still drifting to places and questions she cannot comprehend. Her mind was officially rigged, believing that the cause of all of this is the stress little children who prayed for the rain so they could play.

She silently swore to herself that she'd make it rain the next time she sees a bunch of kids running around while playing tag.

That was her train of thought until she caught a glimpse of the door to his father's office, opened.

Now, there is absolutely nothing strange about that... except the fact that the doors were opened. 'Did someone go inside?' She creased her brows at the sight and slowly walked near it to have a closer look.

The room was still as it is before from what Juliette remembered. There was no single item out of place if she excluded the fact that one drawer was obviously opened with several letters slipping out. 

With a snap of her finger, the door closed, followed by the sound of the curtains being draped. Juliette tilted her head in confusion after realizing she's never once seen these kinds of parchment in their household. 'Are these drafts for the Lords of other Houses?'

There was one letter in particular that stood out among the rest. It was a correspondence from an anonymous person. The brunette pondered for a moment whether it was right or not to pry at such a delicate and private affair.

But the bold color the envelope was dipped in was far too divulging to deny.

So she opened the letter.

With clenched fists, Juliette read the contents and came to one conclusion she was not happy to find out herself,

'Papa cheated on Mama...'



𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 . nozel silvaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz