Chapter 8

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'Y/N's POV

"And that's it, wow look at the time," I say as I look to the sky "We've been walking for day," Kyougyu said as she lays her head down on Harkyuu shoulder. "Yah, let's take a bit of rest," I say. We find A small campsite and setup. I rap in a blanket and sleep.

Someone's POV

I watch a fair maiden sleeping on the floor, she flutters her eyes open and stares blankly at me. "Where am I," She asks "In the realm of dreams my dear," I tell her. She looks around at nothingness and

asks me my name. "The names Eros doll," (this will be NOT a proper presentation of Eros himself. So don't get triggered and right down in the comments) "What are you," She asks After I told her she just asking more and more questions.

"Hey Hey, calm down with the questions," I say floating around as we walk in the abyss. "Sorry, I have never met anyone like you seem to be real but you're just a figment of my imagination" 

She says with a gleam in her eyes "Besides I didn't catch your name beautiful," I say as I sniff her hair. "That's because I didn't throw it." She swats me away with her hand and I follow along as we walk "Come on sweet cheeks, what's your name," I stand right in front of her blocking her pathway

"What's with all the pet names, And the names Y/N L/N" She walks around me and keeps on heading straight "Where are you even going," I ask as I circle around her

"Don't know" Y/N shrugs "Well how about I show you something," As I head east of where we were walking "Wait up" She yells

Tiny time skip

Eros' POV

"Were here" I exclaim "These are just a bunch of screens," Y/N said "Not any screens, they show your present and your past," I say as I pull out the remote. "Here," I show her all the memories stored in her brains," "Hey look there I am as a little kid," Look their I'm training" Look over the- Uh...." I look over to see what she is pointing at. It was Sheba's and Solomon's death. Oh shoot "Let's turn this off," I look over to her doing a silent sob "It alright Y/N, everything is okay," "Its alright Eros," "I think I should go, my friends are waiting," Y/n speaks "Goodbye Y/N," "Goodbye Eros,"


I awake at dawn and rise with the sun. Who am I kidding (Don't brake the fourth wall Y/N. Alright "MOM". Get you butt over here! Sorry I have to go everyone. See you. Why you.) I awake groggily to see the sun shining in my eyes, hissing as I curl up into a ball. I scan the area too see if anyone is awake, no one seemed to be. I get up and stretch and over to the forest to find edible roots and plants. Something rustles the bushes behind me, I think nothing of it and keep rummaging. "Boo!" Hello Judar," I retort "Why can't you just be scared for once?" He sits there with his arms crossed "Why do I need to be?" Y/N pokes and keeps trying to irritate him "Would you stop it" He swats your hands away infuriated at you. You giggle at his mind set. He looks at you and becomes a tint of red. "Your blushing, that's hilarious," you just kept on laughing. "Get out of here," he yells in your face "Alright, alright I have to make breakfast anyways. See you," you leave and go head to cook.

Judar's POV

Why does she bother me? Why do I care? I hear a voice in my head saying "love". What does that mean? An idiot appears in front of me "You're in love idiot," who does he think he is. "Who are you?" "Eros," "Then get it out of my head," I shove him as a sign to get out. "Jeez, I'll leave ok," I watch as he disappears. I couldn't possible be in love. Right?

A/N: Sorry guys this is so late. Just been Busy with School and that.

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