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Jewel Chou

Xena: Why is Marcy taking our measurements?

Jewel: Jace planned a prom for the squad

Xena: Ooooohhhh

Jewel: Will you be my prom date?

Xena: Sure

Jewel: Do you remember?

Jewel: Wonwoo didn't attend the school prom

Jewel: And Mingyu didn't came too

Jewel: So I ended up being your prom date because you're really lonely

Xena: You hate me that time

Jewel: I had no choice besides, I'm starting to like you that time

Xena: That's why you Chouse me to be your wifeu. Wait I didn't know about that

Jewel: The most used pun in our 6 year relationship, Your stupidness made me fell for you

Xena: 4 years as enemy

Jewel: 6 years as a couple

Xena: Well Wonwoo and Mingyu went to the prom together like lovey doveys

Jewel: Yaoi ew

Xena: Hotdogs ew

Jewel: I love you

Xena: I love you more

Jewel: *kiss*

Xena: I want reality kiss

Jewel: *reality kiss*

Xena: Get your ass off my bean bag and kiss me you slut

Jewel: Okay fine fine fine

Xena: Now who is that

Jewel: Get the door you slut

Xena: Now you're calling me a slut

Jewel: Slut as in Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing

Xena: Woah, okay it was Jade she has a lot of foods, she wants us to taste them

Xena: For a survey

Xena: That was weird

Xena: Cum here at the dining table you little slut

Jewel: Cumming

Jewel: There's a lot

Jewel: Let's just talk, I feel so lazy to type

Jewel's POV

I went out of our bedroom, I stay at the condo already since I want to take care of her, she's bringing out the containers one by one

"There's a lot" She commented

"We need to taste all of it?" I shrugged

"She also mentioned that we should write our critics" I said

"Just like food tasting in preparing weddings" i wish you know you dumb ass

"Too bad I can't afford a grand wedding" I said in a serious but its a joke tone

We started tasting the appetizers

"These was the dishes I want for our wedding tho" She said while eating the Calamari

"You still remember those?" I asked

"Yeah" She said

"I lost the list we made before" She pouted as I said it

"Cheer up" I pecked her lips

We continued the Food tasting and she hogged almost all of the food, we also wrote our critiques to the food and I also signed the secret contract

"I'll give these to Jaden when we meet some other time" I said

"Sure" She smiled

I can't wait to get married to this girl

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