"Though going around hot springs and searching for perverts will likely have the same probability of succeeding, at least if what I remember from being in Kushina still applies," he added to himself, sweat dropping.

Over the years the two of them have gotten quite close. The only thing preventing the fox from adopting Naruto was the lack of an actual body and him being a huge tsundere, but that couldn't be said without Naruto having to deal with a demon ranting in her head for the rest of the week. Kurama trained Naruto; made sure she was well fed, but mainly helped with her plans for future.

"Good, 'cause one more squeal of how great 'Sasuke-kun' is or a comment about why I'm wrong, simply because I'm wrong and, let's just say that many clans will lose their heirs," Naruto seethed, trying really hard to keep her killing intent from spilling.

Luckily for everyone in the room, the bell started ringing, signaling end of school day, and the children were soon let out. "Finally!" Naruto screamed overjoyed as she proceeded to jump out of the window.

"Now spill the location furball!" Naruto shouted, successfully annoying said furball.

"Really brat, if you keep acting like this I might just stop helping you,"Kurama sighted.

"You wouldn't, you love me too much. Plus," Naruto stopped and smirked, eyes gleaming with evilness, "if you stop helping me I might 'accidentally' tell the Hokage that I've been hearing a voice in my head, which would lead to him changing the seal in a, for you, restraining way."

"You're evil, kid."

"Why, thank you," the blond replied, smiling cheerfully and continued walking. While it is true that's she could use shuushin and had been learning Hiraishin, with much of Kurama's help, an eight year old could not simply use one of those and not rise suspicion.

On her way, Naruto received many dirty looks and insults, while she could only continue walking and smiling brightly, like the fool she had to pretend to be. Luckily, she soon arrived at the Hokage tower, meaning she didn't have to deal with the villagers. God knows how, but she could paint the Hokage monument in the middle of the day, in a neon orange jumpsuit and yell all that time, and no one would notice, but once she simply walks from her apartment to the academy, all eyes are on her.

The ninja in the building didn't seem to notice her presence, so she continued walking to the Hokage office.

"Ready to cause some uproar, fuzzy?" Naruto asked grinning, as she arrived in front of the Hokage office.

"Anytime you are, kid," Kurama responded, as the blond slammed open the door.

"Graaaaaaaaaamps!" Naruto yelled, running through the office and slammed herself into the Hokage.

The Hokage seemed a bit shocked, but responded, "Naruto what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at the academy?"

"Gramps the academy ended already and I had a reeeeaaaally good reason for coming here," said the girl, flashing a thousand watt smile.

At that the old man raised an eyebrow, "Oh, and what might that be?"

"Of course it's for this," Naruto yelled snatching the Hokage's hat, jumping off of the old man and putting it on her head. "Of course it's for the hat that'll be once mine!"

"Well I won't have exactly this one, but a similar one, the one for the kage of my village," she added to herself.

Yes, Uzumaki (Namikaze), she knew of her heritage thanks to Kurama, Naruto, an 8 year old, was planning, and succeeding so far, on building her own village.

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