“What happened the other night?” Will interrupted, finally looking away from the television.

“Will,” Jack chastised him, slapping his knee. “Shut up.”

“Kitchen?” I asked, nodding my head towards the door.

“Kitchen,” Ash confirmed, getting up to follow me to the other room.

I walked straight to the fridge and grabbed two beers, throwing one to Ashton as I jumped up to sit on the counter.

“Uh, so yeah.” I said, continuing my apology. “I’m sorry about leaving you at the club.”

“It’s okay.” He reassured me with a smile. “I had a good night with Calum and then he dropped me home.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, jokingly hinting suggestively. He’s Bi and I know about his relationship status so, you know, why not have some fun? “You guys seemed to really hit it off.”

He laughed and backhanded my stomach after jumping up to sit next to me. I nudged his shoulder as I laughed along with him.

“Um, no. He’s a cool guy but,” he shrugged. “I don’t know...”

“Ash. C’mon! It’s been ages since you broke up with Georgia, you need to get back out there.” I urged him.

“Harry,” I turned to me. “I loved her. I really did and I don’t want to just jump back out there. I need time.”

“Ash,” I replied, being more serious. “C’mon. You know what I was like after Andy. And look at how much happier I am. I went out with Charl and the guys and now...” I tried off, hoping he would get the point.

He sighed and looked at the floor. “I don’t know... And besides, who the hell have you gone out with since Andy?”

“Oh, uh, I just meant, like, with friends, you know?” I stammered. I swear I didn’t mean anything by it, I just meant that I had gone out with some friends.

“Oh,” He looked away, a smile on his face. “So, uh, you and Luke... Nothing happened?” He turned back to me and raised his eyebrows.

“Um, no. I mean, he was nice but, I left before anything could happen.” I replied, trying to play it off.

“Really? Cause that’s not what he said.” He continued, the smirk growing.

“Hey! What? Anyway, How would you know!” I retorted.

“I hung out with them yesterday. As you said, Cal and I got along pretty well so they invited me over and,” he started rambling. “Yeah. Did you know they were roommates? Yeah, they live together and it’s a pretty nice place and”

“Hey Ash,” I interrupted him, a huge smile across my face. He only ever gets like that when he likes someone and right now, he was making it painfully obvious. “You should ask him out.”

He blushed and looked down, taking a gulp from his beer can. “He, uh, already did.” He answered in a small voice.

“What? That’s great!” I exclaimed, clapping him on the back.

“Actually,” he interjected. “That’s kinda why I’m here...”

What? I looked at him questioningly.

“Um, he kinda, well. Um, he asked, uh...” he stuttered. “Um...”

“Ash, spit it out.” I laughed, wondered what on earth he was talking about.

“HeaskedmetogoovertotheirplacefordinnertomorrownightbutonlyifyoucametoocauseLukelikesyou.” He said, not breathing once during that sentence.

“Ash, take a deep breath and repeat.” I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. He seemed really nervous and it was actually kinda cute.

His nerves over a crush were endearing.

“Okay, He asked me to go over to their place for dinner tomorrow night but, they, uh, they invited both of us.” He spoke slowly, keeping his eyes on the floor. “Because Luke, uh, he really likes you.”

I looked at him in surprise. I knew he liked me because of the kiss but I didn’t think he wanted to have dinner with me. I just thought it was a one night kind of thing.

I was flattered and I wouldn’t mind going to help out a friend, besides Ash really liked Calum and I wanted to help.

“Oh, okay.” I smiled at him. “So, you want to go? Cause I’m free, if you want.”

“Really?” his face lit up as he turned to smile at me. “Sweet! You’re great, man.”  He hugged me before jumping off the counter and walking towards the door.

“By the way,” he added, stopping in the doorway. “We’re not done talking about Luke yet, so go shower, you stink, and we’ll have a nice, long, discussion about your steamy kiss.”

He made kissy faces at me and I jumped off the counter, walked over to him and put my hand over his face.

“Shower, stinky-butt.” He joked before plopping down in the armchair in the lounge and watching the end of the game that the others had on.

I shook my head as I walked down the hall to the bathroom, incredibly grateful that I had Ashton back in my life.

One of my best friends had come back and I couldn’t help but feel like maybe, just maybe, my life was coming together.



Larry is coming up next chapter, get excited :)

~vic xo

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