"Oh God- you should have seen your face!" He laughed, clutching his stomach.

"What do you-"

"Yoongi! Thank you, so fucking much! You don't know how much I fucking waited for this!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a tight embrace.

Even though it was physically a problem to breathe, I was in cloud 9 as soon as I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

I smiled to myself, hugging the ash gray haired boy back.

"So like, are we together or..?" I asked, still unsure about how this relationship thing goes.

"Of course we're together!" He exclaimed, hugging me tighter.

"Alright, alright. I-I can't breathe, Tae-"

I was cut off when a pair of lips smashed onto mine.

I wasn't shocked nor was I expecting it.

I kissed back and felt the whole world shut down on us.

"You don't know how happy this position makes me. You, just here in my arms. The fact that I can keep you safe in my arms is enough to put a smile on my face." I said, not really ashamed at how I poured out my emotions.

Taehyung grinned at me with his adorable rectangular smile and rested his head on my chest.

We stayed like that the whole night.

I'm finally with someone who actually loves me, for me.

I love you, Kim Taehyung.

•Next Day•

Waking up with only your comforter keeping you warm has to be the most disappointing thing to wake up to.

But walking in the kitchen to see your shirtless boyfriend frying bacons has to be a blessing sent by the gods.

I grinned idioticly and walked up to my tall boyfriend, hugging him from behind.

"Morning baby." I said, placing soft kisses on his shoulder up on his neck.

"Morning to you too. Go set the table for me?"

I nodded, walking over to his cabinets.

Carefully, I took out 2 plates and 2 sets of utensils.

After setting up the table, I walked in the kitchen, only to have my breath taken away.

Taehyung had his apron off. His boxers hung low on his waist, exposing his V line.

If only thos boxers would drop just a little bit lower-

"Babe?" Taehyung called out, smirking as soon as he noticed me staring.

"O-oh. Yeah? What's up?" I ask, trying to shrug off the fact that he was smirking mischieviously at me.

"Oh, nothing. Come on, let's have breakfast." He said, taking 2 full plates of bacon and pancakes, making his way out of the kitchen.

As soon as I was left alone, my legs shook, dropping my body to the floor.

"Fuck, Tae. You're going to be the death of me.." I muttered, clutching on my chest as I started breathing heavily.

"Baby, what are you doing? Come out and eat." He called.

"Y-yeah, I'll be there in a sec!" I replied, pulling my body up as I tried my best to keep my balance.

How will I make him pay for what he's doing to me?

I asked myself and as soon as the idea popped in my head, a smirk replaced the thin line on my lips.

Oh, fuck yeah.


WOW this is poorly written. I'm not sure if you guys are confused or if you think that this story is going too fast, but I hate writing stories with alot of chapters. It's time consuming. ;P


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