Prologue》 new school

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New school.

New life.

New goals.

I need to make sure I don't mess shit up like I always do. I need to pass, I need a future. I need a job.

"Taehyung! You're gonna be late for your flight!" My mom yells from the kitchen.

"I know! I know! I'll be ready in a sec!" I yelled back, getting no response.

Okay, let me introduce myself. I am Kim Taehyung. 19 years old. I was transferred to SSU (Seoul Star University) since their principal here, saw a video of me singing one of Justin Bieber's songs. Ever since my classmate posted that video in social media, big movie companies have been asking who I was, or what my plans were.

My plans are actually to become what they want me to become; a superstar. But first, I have to learn how to become one, that's why I'm being transeferred to SSU.

As finished packing my things, I rushed downstairs and headed towards the car. I quickly placed my luggage at the back and sat in the passenger's seat.

My mother got in a few minutes after I did, and we started to head off to the airport.

"So, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious?" She asks, gripping tightly on the steering wheel.

"Mom, relax. If anyone's tense in this car it's you. Relax. I can handle myself. Besides, I'm turning like, 20 in 5 months. I'll be able to handle myself." I tried pursuaing her, but this only made her whine.

"Exactly! You're turning 20 in 5 months! You'll be at Seoul! How are you supposed to celebrate, huh??" Her voice filled the car, making me sigh and roll my eyes at her.

"You're being too dramatic, mom. I can celebrate my  birthday by myself. Don't worry." I said, smiling at her.

She smiled back and started to focus more on the road.


2 hours have passed and we finally reached the airport.

We got off immediately and took out my luggage from the back.

"Well, take care of yourself. Make sure to eat, okay?" Mom reminds me, kissing my cheek.

"I will mom, I promise. I love you. I'll be back an idol!" I yelled, making her chuckle.

"Yeah, I know you will. Make me proud, kay?" She says, smiling at me.

She may be smiling, but I could see how her eyes are slowly becoming glassy.

"Mom, you're going to cry. It'll be embarassing for my part. Anyways, I have to go. I might miss my flight. Take care of dad for me." I said, giving her one last goodbye kiss before heading towards the airport.

I walked inside and hurridly went over to the escalator.


I hate you

I love you

I hate that I want you

You want her

You need her

And I will never be her...

I took off my earphones as I saw the seatbelt light go on. As I stuffed my earphones and phone inside my sling bag, I hurridly snapped back the lock of my seatbelt and looked over at the window.

I gazed down on the beautiful city of Seoul right below me. Ah, Seoul. The place where I'm meant to be in.

I smiled at the beautiful sight as the plane slowly went lower and lower, until the wheels finally made contact with the ground.

As I got off the plane, I swiftly put on my black sunglasses and started to walk deeper into the airport.

Outside, there were many people with huge signs, waiting for whoever it was they were waiting for.

I scanned the crowd and saw my name written in a big illustration board. The one holding it had blonde hair. They were guys. 2 guys.

One had blonde hair and the other had mint green-ish hair.

I grinned at them and made my way closer.

"Kim Taehyung?" The mint green hair guy asked, putting down the poster.

"Yep. But with an H." I corrected them, pointing at the illustration board.

The blonde started laughing loudly with a wind-sheild wiper laugh. It was kind of amusing to listen to, actually.

"Well, our deepest apologies. I'm Seokjin. This is my idiotic bestfriend Namjoon. You can call me Jin, and you can call this guy... Namjoon." He said, throwing his arm around Namjoon's shoulders.

I looked at Jin with raised eyebrows.

He had this playful smirk on his lips, making him look intimidating.

"Huh? Anything wrong?" Jin asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm Kim Taehyung. You guys can call me-" Namjoon interrupted.

"Let me guess- Tae?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I chuckled at him and shook my head.

"I mean, you can call me that if you want to. But people I know call me V." I said, showing them the rectangular smile I am proud of.

"Wow, that's easier to remember. Okay, let's go to the dorms!" Jin exclaims, taking the other luggage from my hand.


Let me break it down for you guys. That was what happened after I got transferred here at SSU. That happened 3 years ago. Now that I'm in my last year level, I've learned how to survive here. You simply have to back up from all the drama and conceal yourself.

The only reason why I survived with not much stories in this place, is because I've stayed away from drama-eating whores and focus on my studies.

I'm currently the Top 1 student of our year, but not many students know that cause people here really don't care if you excell in studies or not. What's important to them is being a star. And that's it.

But for me, being talented and handsome doesn't mean I have already achieved everything in life. To be a role model, you also have to have brains so you wouldn't look like an idiot infront of those cameras.

Jin taught me that.


How's this for a prologue? Amazing? Great? Good? Okay? Eh? Bad?

Okay XD

This may be short, but I promise, the rest of the chapters will be hella long!



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