Chapter 5: Parents!

Start from the beginning

Demi takes Adam from Miley as she instructs how to hold him.  "Miles, I got it." She looks at us.  "Do you guys really owe Selena?"

I answered, "No.  I think she was just joking around.  After all, who really cares if they are told first or last?"

Miley smiled.  "Demi, Nick's right.  Selena is just joking around."

Demi smiled.  "Good.  Now take your baby.  I think he puked on me."

I laugh and take Adam.  "That's what babies do.  Sorry, Demi."

"It's alright."  Demi picks out a shirt from her bag.  "It's a good thing I have an extra shirt."  She goes into the bathroom.

Miley and I go to clean up Adam.  Miley wipes the puke up from his face.  I get a clean onesie out and change his clothes.  It turns out that the onesie I chose was the gift from the Rachel Ray Show.

Miley looks at me.  "Really, Nick?  The 'I Love Mommy and Daddy' one?"

"Yes.  I thought you liked it."

"I love it."


When we come back to the kitchen, Demi has changed and sat down in a chair.  "Where did you get the onesie?  It's adorable."

"From Rachel Ray and her show.  They gave it as a gift."

"Aww, that's so nice."  She changes the topic.  "How was the labor?"

Miley answers her.  "Really, Demi?  Anways, it was ok.  Really long.  And when they told me it was time to push, Nick freaked out.  I guess he was getting ready to be a dad."

Demi laughed.  "Well, he is a dad now."

"Can we stop talking about my new status as dad?  How was your tour, Demi?  We heard bits and pieces from Joe, but we want the full scoop."

"It was good.  Those free therapy sessions I gave were a hit.  And DJ Khalid was good.  He performed a lot of his hits.  I performed a lot of mine as well, though it was frustrating deciding on a set list."

Miley pipes up, "That's my least favorite part.  I'd rather just go up there and perform."

"Of course you would, baby.  You love to perform."

"And you love to as well."

Demi gets a text.  "Grr, it's my manager.  He already has me working on the next album.  I seriously just done with a tour.  As much as I love singing and performing like you two, I need a break."

"You got done with the tour a month before our wedding.  You can start working again."

"Grr, I hate it when you're right.  And speaking of working again, when are you two going back to work?  It's been about a year or two."

Miley sighs.  "Well, we kind of took a break around our engagement and then it was our wedding.  And we enjoyed some maybe-too-long honeymoon bliss, creating this little guy, a happy accident," bouncing Adam and I squeezed his tiny arm.  "And we just had him last night, so probably not for a while.  We would probably have to find a nanny for him for when we do go back to singing."

"Cool.  Did you hear any news from Selena?"

"Not since the baby shower.  Last time I heard she broke up with Justin.  Why?"

"She's gone back to rehab.  That's probably why you haven't heard from her in a while.  She hasn't focused on herself in a while and so she went to rehab.  She left 13 Reasons Why to her mom and stopped whatever music she was working on.  I'm assuming it's probably because of Justin.  And her lupus."

Miley hoisted Adam up on her hip and asked Demi, "Whoa, her lupus?  I thought that went away when she got that kidney transplant."

"Apparently, the transplant made it better, but she still has it regardless."

"Damn, sorry for Selena.  Well, about Justin?  Is he supporting her thriugh this or someone else?"

"He's not.  They've been permanently done for 3 months so far.  And the Weeknd has been supporting her.  They're not together again, but he might want to get back together with her.  I'm sure that's a reason why he's supporting her."

"Hmm, kind of sounds like my husband, only with my music."

"Baby, it's everything you do I support."

"I know."

Demi turns it back to Selena and the Weeknd.  "Hmm . . . Maybe it's a sign they should be together.  If you look at your history, you seem to get back together after a 10-year hiatus of not dating.  And it was all based on supporting the other's music."

"It was more complicated than that.  We had to deal with Liam and the media.  And we had to start off being friends first."

"But you went through that kind of quick.  Within a month, you were back together and did another duet with each other.  Anyways, what do you think of Selena and the Weeknd?"

"I don't know.  I'd rather go and see what it's like.  Meanwhile, how's your dating life?"

"Still single."

I get curious.  "I thought you were going after Henry Cavill.  Or so the rumors went."

"Haha, Nick.  I still am."

"You know you run in different circles.  He's an actor, you're a singer."

"Not that thing again.  Seriously, the Grammys proved you wrong.  You saw Miley there, that started up your relationship again, and here you are married with a kid.  And she was with Liam for a while."

Miley piped up now.  "That relationship was a fake one.  The producers forced us together so they could make money.  And we met on the set of The Last Song."

"Do you even talk to him?"

"No.  We tried being friends but after that GMA thing, he got pissed that I lied to him about Nick that he didn't want to see me anymore.  I'm actually ok with that.  The dude controlled my life too much.  Same with the producers."

"Good for you.  How was his fan base after that?"

"It shrunk a lot after the fake relationship and breakup came to light on GMA.  Turns out most of his fans were Miam shippers and were disgusted with him about the whole thing.  He had to try to rebuild a fan base by working, but I don't think it's ever going to recover."

"How about both of yours?"

"Oh, most of mine are the Niley shippers.  Most of his are the Niley shippers.  And it grows as people are trying to understand our history more.  Apparently, some people don't remember us dating, so it came quite a shock when we got back together.  And apparently our history was considered weird since we started loving each other at 13.  It may be a bit odd, but it led to a marriage and a kid."

"Love is tested by time or whatever Kevin put in his speech at your wedding.  By the way, your anniversary is coming up next month.  Anything planned for the big double anniversary?"

"I don't know.  It's up to Nick."

"Uh, just dinner so far."  I was sort of lying.  Of course, I have more than that.  I just plan on surprising her.

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