I need you to promise me something.


Promise that once this is all over that...that you will still be alive. Promise me that you'll make it and I'll do the same. Once this is over we won't have to worry about anything else ever again.

"I'm going to save you Elizabeth," I muttered, "So you can keep that promise..."


Scarecrow and I snuck around a corner, having heard Corrupted around here. I peeked around the corner to see that we were right about there being a Corrupted, but only just one. It didn't look too threatening though. It was bony, hunched, very human-like though it was smaller compared to the others. I could easily take it out so long as I'm quiet. I said this to Scarecrow and her cloth face contorted into a slight frown. She looked at it and then back at me. "I don't know Jeff," she said, "You shouldn't underestimate them. I've worked with them before and even if they're small and malnourished they still put up a fight. You never know what it could throw at you."

"Don't worry, I got this. I'll stealth it," I whispered. She gave me a look and I shrugged. I looked back at the creature and began sneaking towards it. My steps were quiet and steady, I kept my head down so it wouldn't see me. I was a few feet away from it and I had enough time to attack it and kill it. I silently snuck up behind its hunching structure and brought my knife down in between its bony shoulder blades. It cried out a distorted shriek of pain and I pulled my knife out. I was about to stab into the back of its neck when I noticed that the wound I just made started opening up wider. I faltered and watched as smaller Corrupted creatures crawled out of the wound, swarming all over the back. I backed away as I watched the little creatures fall and grow larger until it was about the same size as the original.

"What the actual fuck...?" I said. They all looked at me, with wide, gaping bright eyes and hissed. Dammit! The original screeched which seemed to be a signal for the other ones to come and attack me. I should've heeded Scarecrow's warning. But now I'm regretting not doing that, like a dumb-ass. I started quickly backing away to get back to Scarecrow but, like an idiot, I tripped over my own two feet and fell over. This gave the Corrupted a chance to pounce on me and start gnawing on me. I yelped and flailed in a panic and swiped my knife at whatever it could catch.

My movements were no use and I screamed in pain as they kept bitting into my flesh, enjoying it. I looked over at Scarecrow who watched idly. "Don't just stand there! Argh, help me!"

"You said you had it so I'm letting you handle this," she stated and I frowned at her.

I was about to throw an insult at her when one of the Corrupted grabbed me by the hair, pulled my head back and bit down on my neck. I screamed from the feeling of sharp, little teeth grinding against my own skin and muscle. I coughed up blood and growled from trying to push them off of me. I had lost my grip on my knife a few moments ago so I tried desperately to feel for it with trembling fingers. But I only felt ground and clawed at it as the pain of getting bitten intensified. I could feel the corruption flowing through my veins and I raised up my hand to look at it. My fingers were bleeding from scraping them on the ground but they were turning black quicker than I've ever seen.

I panicked even more and tried reaching into my drop leg pouch, despite that I probably won't heal while still being bitten. But as they just kept bitting and bitting I was losing my energy and my hand was going numb. I was on the verge of blacking out when I saw something whizz above me and suddenly the Corrupted stopped bitting me. My vision was blurry and bright for a few moments before it cleared and I saw all of the Corrupted were beheaded. And out of the corner of my eye I could see a scythe blade, dripping with black blood. The scythe whizzed by again, catching all of the Corrupted on its blade and taking them away from me.

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