ServiceNow Integration Best Practices

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Poor integration leads to sloppy processes and that damages productivity throughout an organization. When dealing with integration, you always want the cleanest integration possible. A clean integration means fewer technical issues to troubleshoot, easier workflows, and an overall cleaner infrastructure. With that in mind, here are some of the best practices when dealing with .

Rely Primarily Upon ServiceNowFunctionality

When integrating separate systems, there is often an overlap between function sets. Both systems may offer similar function sets for certain things, such as built-in incident management features. When it comes to ServiceNow integration, it's always best to rely upon the ServiceNow functionality. This creates more consistent results that are more easy to troubleshoot. In general, during an integration, it's best to choose a singular platform to rely upon, and to mesh the additional platform into this one. By relying upon ServiceNow functionality, you'll also create less confusion when multiple systems are integrated.

Load Test Each Integration Thoroughly and Separately

A common mistake is testing ServiceNow under reduced loads, especially as integrations are added. ServiceNow should be tested under the appropriate load every time an integration is added, as load can impact how much of the infrastructure is able to perform. Testing multiple integrations (the entire intended infrastructure) at the same time will make it more difficult to pare down to the systems that could be causing problems.

Work Closely With ServiceNow

When issues are encountered, can provide its own troubleshooting or simply integrate feedback into future versions. By providing feedback with ServiceNow regarding current issues, businesses can ensure that these problems are fixed later on. ServiceNow also provides customer support that can deal with some of the most common problems of application integration, and can answer specific questions regarding the API.

Use Appropriate Overhead Management

When working with ServiceNow's records, it's important to only retrieve the number of records that are truly needed. Likewise, whether or not messages have to be responded to immediately or not should also be declared when working with SOAP. Messages and records will slowly add to the overhead of an application which (as mentioned above) could cause the system to fail when under larger loads. Better overhead management leads to applications and integrations that don't consume as much by way of resources.

Use the Security Operations Integration Frameworks

The security operations framework handles vulnerability data and threat sources, and is an incredibly valuable component of ServiceNow. Not only should it be used whenever possible, but the frameworks included should be extended when new integrations are added and the suite's needs have changed. When integrating another program, the ServiceNow security operations frameworks should always take precedence if they exist. And if they do not offer that functionality, the functionality should be added to the framework rather than elsewhere.

SynQ is the easy, fast, and clean way to integrate ServiceNow. If you're interested in developing a ServiceNow integration that adheres to the above best practices, inquire about a SynQ trial today.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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