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Hey everyone sorry it's been so long but I've been recently obsessed with reading this story called silhouette. It's not anime related or anything like that, just a lovey Dovey story that I can get behind. Aaaaanyways I'm still single, and no one tried to steal me away for their valentines (despite the dreaming of it happening), But a ship has sailed and I'm happy about that. A friend finally asked a girl he's into out and they are freaking asorkable (adorable sarcastic dork) and they r both Aquarius. Think that's about it..... qtunfruhceeuipoueqsftioh. Sorry I'm jut trying to get out the typos early before I start writing. Now let the nightmares begin. Muah hah hah ha ha!!!!!!

"It's sweet that everyone's been keeping me company. Too bad it's all pity. I mean I hardly speak unless spoken to or in a 1 on 1 conversation. I'm just there. Just waiting to fade away or fuck something up. Just like always. Who knows maybe they'll be scared just like them, my parents."

The sun falls, painting the sky with oranges, reds, purples, and pink. Four shadows streak across the dirt road carved through the lush woods, blanketing the ground with darkness. Our feet leaving tracks in the dirt, as we walk towards houses in the distance. The only sounds I hear are of my feet and my saviors who I now lead on my own mission.
"I hope I wasn't such a burden to them. They are really nice." We near upon the small group of houses, Not big enough to be a town, but still has a court room and a few hunters. Several minutes of anxious silence pass before we near the first house. I step with more speed with each step as I look around at all of the familiar strangers around me. I know of them, but not really who they are. Like social media friends. I eventually break out into a full out run with the adrenaline that started as I first anticipated this moment hours ago. Some turn to look at me, whispering about the ghost before them.
I continue until I am met with a door. A solid white door bright and all too familiar. My heart races and my trembling hand closes the distance to it. My knuckles strike it once before retracting to be held by my other hand for support.
It swings open to reveal a woman's face."mom", I think as I wrap my arms around her. Tears start to fall from my face as her arms tighten on me, as if she's afraid to loose me.
"Where have you been?" Her voice quivers
"I-i got taken. T-they saved me. They rescued me from the white fang." I say
"Who's they?" She asks lifting her head from my neck to look for my saviors.
"Uuum hi? And we didn't save him. He got out on his own. We just took him in. You raised a tough one miss." I hear Daniel say
She slowly let go of me and looked me in the face. Pure happiness and delight that soon fades into pure horror. She steps back and places a delicate hand on her chest as more tears start to make their way down her cheek.
"You-you're-you're him.", she says in pure horror," you're the descendant. Go. Go now. My son wouldn't, couldn't be. He's not some monster like you." She chokes out before slamming the door.
Tears burn as they run down."I thought that they'd understand. At least give me a chance." I walk off from the door and to the three.
"I'm sorry I had you all come this way. I-i just thought it would be different, but I can't change who I am." I say
I walk off dragging my feet before a hand falls on my shoulder. I turn to see Vivian."what do you mean by that? What's going on?"
"M-m-my eyes. I can't change my eyes back." I cry even harder,"I really am a freak." I keep walking and look back at her," not here, let's just go. I'll explain on the way."
The three walk following me stunned at what happened. We walked in silence until minutes of walking after we passed the last house. I used that time to calm down.
"One hundred years ago there lived a craftsman. In this village, he just stayed to himself every day. The townsfolk believed him to be a good man, caring for every soul.
He grew lonely hoping for a woman to take his hand in marriage eventually, and one day he met a woman. This woman was a traveler who stumbled upon the village lacking all supplies. The craftsman let her stay and rest for her trip. The man fell for her, and the woman returned often to the village to see the craftsman.
Day after day his love for her grew, and when she wasn't there he grieved. Because of this his eyes reflected the emotions in his eyes with color. The townsfolk wished for his masterpieces to be made again. They threatened and attacked the man, but he stayed. He worked his best, but they no longer saw the beauty in his works.
He moved into the woods nearby, so his lover could still find him. One day he found out a dark secret. His lover had been murdered . It drove him to madness as he sheltered in his house in the woods.
A few days later the villagers found his home, so they came there with torches and weapons. The man snapped and the emotions in his eyes danced around him. Out of rage he killed all of the people who went to his cabin, and went Into the village. The village was having a celebration and he screamed for their attention. He shouted out that they had taken away all of his joy and replaced it with pain and anger. That they had robbed him for their selfish desires. With that his emotions burned as he looked around and only saw pain. He killed most of them. He painted the village in blood as they could only manage to stall him for a second, before having their skulls crushed in.
The few survivors had a plan though. As the man rampaged, a liquid was thrown on him, before a flaming arrow planted itself in his leg. His body was set ablaze and his last dying words were that one day his children will slay all of the sinners in the village. And they would cleanse the entire world of those who dared to stop them would be slaughtered like the rest unless this world could show them the o lay thing he wanted. They would bear the mark of rainbow eyes, filled with the same emotions given to him by his lover. The villagers taught that the children will be demons created to damn everyone to hell.
I'm-I'm his descendant. I'm his monstrous time-bomb waiting to be twisted until burning the world away to hell. I understand if you 'take care' of me like the people who captured me. I understand." Tears started streaking down my face again.
"Were not doing that to you. No one has shown you a damn bit of love so we will. Welcome to the family Y/n. Welcome home." Daniel announced with a genuine smile
I looked at the three and I smile. I cried and hugged them all," don't leave me."

No wander why he's depressed right? Hope you like the full backstory everyone. I'm once again sorry I didn't update any sooner. But DontWorryAboutIt bc I will complete this story no matter how long it takes me to update.

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