His Little Rabbit (Valentines Day Special! - Yandere Ayato)

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Whenever I sleep I feel someone watching me.

Whenever I'm in class, I feel someone watching me.

Whenever I talk home, I feel someone watching me.

No, it wasn't just sometimes, it was all the time.

Someone was always watching me

I was waiting for a friend, I was standing in front of their house, as I always did every day. As the wind gently hit my face, a blue-haired male walked past the front door. "Hey, Kaneki!"He greeted me as we were ready to walk to school. "Hey, Ayato-Kun!" He groaned back in response. "Stop calling me that, just call me Ayato" A few cars passed by, it was mostly people who were going to work. What did seem weird was that whenever I was with Ayato, I didn't feel like I was being watched I never like the thought of him being my stalker, so I would always just shrug it off. either way, Ayato was my best friend.

It was the first block, sadly I sat in the second row and Ayato in the last, there were our rows of seats in total. In my right sat a girl named Touka Kirishima, and on the left of me sat no one. I was good friends with Touka. She had blue hair and blue eyes, like Ayato considering they were siblings. For some reason, Ayato hated her, or really anyone I would talk to that wasn't him. He would try to convince me to get away from them. As if I was his property, is little rabbit he couldn't lose.


A week has passed. Murders have started at m school, it is believed to be a student in this school. The strange thing is, it has been people I have talked to, even if I've just talked to them a bit.

The only friends I have left are Touka and Ayato Kirishima. I have a strange feeling it's one of them. I don't want to believe it but I can't stop. As I opened my locker there was a note that was floating down to the floor. It read: Kaneki, meet me behind school at 4:00 pm, this is Ayato. I was nervous by this, what is he was the killer and I'm next? Was all the truth I gave him just a joke to him? I decided to go anyways, I checked a clock that was at the end of the hallway. 3:04pm. I packed my things into my backpack and walked home. I made progress on my homework. It was 10 before 4. I got a gun my parents left behind and put it in my backpack since I was wearing a shirt. I put on my backpack and headed out.

My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. There was red liquid splattered all over the place. "I warned you to stay away from Kaneki!" I heard a voice I once thought was beautiful say, but now it was terrifying a, it was full of hatred and had a sadistic tone to it. Ayato kicked Touka against the wall. Then the blue-haired male shot shards from his wings onto the weak woman who was thrown against the wall. "Tch," he laughed at the now dead body of his sister in front of him. Then looked over at me, I had a gun pointed at him. He was a ghoul this whole time! He could notice I was shaking as he came closer to me, each step more terrifying. "What? It was your fault your friends are dead, I told you to stay away from them." He said noticing my watery eyes. He then closed the distance between our lips as the locked together. when he pulled away, Ayato got a piece of cloth and covered my nose and mouth, blocking my screams. The only thing I could head him whispering in my hear before I passed out was: "You're my property, my rabbit, I can't afford to lose you." From then on, It was just torture, to the point I suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. I gave up and became his little rabbit.

 I gave up and became his little rabbit

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