"You cheating bastard!"

"I never cheated on you."

"So who's dress is this ?" She shouted, throwing him some gray material. He held it to show my gray sundress from two weeks ago I wore.

"Oh that's mine." I said, weakly.

"So you slept with her, my best friend ?"

Hannah took a look at me before punching me in the face. I fell to ground . I closed my eyes for a second before opening them back up. She really hit me.

"You okay ?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said, standing back up.

"Are you sure ?"


Hannah stood there with her arms folded.

"Do not put your hands on her before I fuck you up myself and I don't put my hands on females."

"Fuck you. That's why I only stayed with your wack ass because I needed someone to pay my bills and do whatever the hell I wanted. "

"You wasted my time for some fucking money ?" Klay shouted. I began to get nervous. I only seen Klay this upset twice before and I knew it wasn't going to be a pretty sight.

"Yeah I fucking did. And I don't regret it, you bitch. " She yelled back before leaving. Klay sat down on his couch. I sat beside him, wrapping my arm across his back, rubbing his shoulder softly.  He held his head in his hands and I felt bad for him. He put his trust into her and she totally lost it. There was a moment of silence. He picked his head and stared straight ahead.

"Did you know ?"

"W-what ?"

"Did you know that's why she wanted to be with me ?"

A lump grew in my throat before I swallowed. My eyes and my nose burned and I looked down.

"I did know."

He shook his head before standing up.

"Please let me explain."

"Explain that you let me still develop feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same. EXPLAIN!"

"I didn't know until two months ago. I swear !"

"What made you not say a word ? What made you not have at least an ounce of respect to tell me ?"

"She made me promise not say anything !"

"I guess you forgot our promise so busy worried about her!"

"Which one ?"

"The one where we promised to tell each other everything !"

I couldn't take it anymore.

"You want me to tell you everything ? FINE ! You slept with me a month and a half ago and I said nothing to keep your relationship in tact because Hannah said she might've had feelings for you !"

He stood there. Not saying a word.

"You're lying."

"Why would I lie ? You know me. Why would I ?"

"You are just like her. You hide. You lie. You are just like her."

"Klay I promise you I'm not."

"You sure about that promise ? Seems like you got those mixed up."

"You are both my friends ! What was I supposed to do ?"


"How ?"

The One and Only  | Klay Thompson | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin