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Hannah's House

Oakland , California

10: 42 AM

Inanna Sarkis

"Why are you hugging a tree ?" Twan asked. I turned to him with a smile.

"It helps mental illness and helps oxygen levels that could cause headaches."

He lifted his camera from his chest and pointed it at me to take a picture.  He studied the picture before giving me a toothless grin.

"You are so cute."

"Of course I am."

I pulled away from the tree and walked back to him. He handed the camera to me. 

I gave him the camera back with a slight smile

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I gave him the camera back with a slight smile. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"The love of your life was watching us through the window."

"Like he would waste time doing that."

"You would be surprised."

He locked our hands together, dragging me inside.

"Hey you guys made it. Together." Hannah said, looking down at our interlocked hands.

"Yeah we made it , right babe ?" Twan spoke, kissing my hand slightly. I didn't even blush at his affection but I blushed under the intense Klay threw on me.

"I guess ." I said, lowly.

A conversation was thrown around the living room, jumping between everyone and like usual I stayed out of it. I didn't care for the drama that everyone else cared for. I only needed to worry about myself and the small amount of people around me.

"Are you guys hungry ?"

"We sure are." Twan spoke, standing up quickly and walking into the kitchen. No doubt I was hungry also but I didn't want to cause a scene because for sure was going to say something. Twan came back a couple seconds later with a huge plate and two water bottles. He tossed me one water bottle before sitting back next to me.

My mouth watered looking at the food on his plate.

"Still on that diet right Inanna ?" Hannah said, grabbing my attention.


"Seems like it isn't working."

"Hannah. Stop it." Twan spoke, staring at her.

"Stop what ?" She said innocently. Twan gave her a rude look before turning to me.

"You better eat something off this plate. Fuck what she says."

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