~The Innocent~

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Anne's P.O.V

I cry out as I push for dear life. "Come on, Anne. Only a few more pushes now." I look to my sister smiling. She grabs my hand as I close my eyes and push once again. After seven hours of this labor I'm ready to have this babe out. "It'll be worth the pain, my dear, once you have child in your arms." I don't remember this much efforts during Elizabeth's birth. She was painful, but quick. "Why is this one taking so long?" My eyes search between my ladies for a response. None pay me any mind as they continue to aid in delivering my child.
Henry's P.O.V
I can't sit, eat or drink. Not when Anne is delivering the future of England once again. "Your Majesty, perhaps you should return to court until the child has arrived." I glare at Charles for suggesting such a thing. "Do you take me for a fool, your Grace? You think I will leave Anne at such a time. What? Do you wish to be the first person she see's after she gives birth to my son?" Charles rolls his eyes. "It was only a suggestion, Henry." As I start to storm his way, George Boleyn steps between us."Any other time I would not dare to interrupt, your majesty, but as of now your feelings are none of my concern. Anne is delivering your child, and I think it best you stay focused on her." I push Lord Rochford's hand off my chest and turn away from Charles' direction. "Your Grace, you should wait in the sunroom until the birth is over."

Charles begins to laugh at George's request. "I know you believe yourself to be important Lord Rochford, but you are still beneath me." Thomas Boleyn and I observe the scene unfolding between the Duke and Lord Rochford. George steps in Lord Suffolk's space. "I do not believe you understood me clearly, your grace. It was not a request, it was a demand. This specfic location is for immediate family only. If you do wish to leave willingly, I'm sure his majesty's guards will happily escort back to court." Charles steps back, with a smile on his face. He dust off George's shoulder. "Understood, Lord Rochford. I will await the news in the sunroom." Charles bows his head in my direction, before stomping out of the chambers.
Anne's P.O.V

A final push and the child is out. And I fall into a turbulence of deja vu as the room falls silent as they once did after Elizabeth was born. Through the child's cries, nothing was said as they all went quiet. I let out a small sigh, fumbling backwards into my pilliows. "So it is a girl, then?" My sister brings the weeping babe to me. "She's beautiful, Anne. And healthy." I take my newborn daughter from my sister. "She looks like you, Madame." I smile at Lady Cowell. "She does, doesn't she." Mary kisses her head. "No doubt she'll be as beautiful and witty as you too." I smile at them all and they return it with a warming reassurance. I look down at the small bundle in my hands with tears in my eyes. "It'll be alright, little one. No matter what happens today. It'll be alright. I love you, so much. You'll always have me, I promise."
Henry's P.O.V

Mary comes out with a sad smile on her face. I take a large breath, before nodding to her. "Its a girl." Thomas Boleyn's expression darkens and George appears neutral as of now. "How is the duchess?" Mary smiles brightens. "She's very well, your Majesty. She's asking for you." I nod and follow her into the birthing rooms. As I walk in, my eyes land on Anne holding our daughter. She doesn't look the same as she did when she gave birth to Elizabeth. Less disappointed, Anne is happy. She's rubbing the infant's face gently, humming a small tune. Her bedding and her clothing are fresh and clean. Her hair is brushed down into their natural waves. Although, she's just given birth, she's glowing. She's beautiful. "My love, you have gifted me with another jewel." Anne's eyes spark up, but her smile slightly falter. "I'm sorry Henry. I really did wish to give you a son." I rush over to her side and kiss her forehead. "Anne, it's alright."

My focus turns to my newest daughter. Her head is covered with dark curls matching the pigment of her mother's. Her physical appearance is the same as Anne's as well. "And we all thought Elizabeth was your dobbleganger." Anne laughs. "Yes, she mirrors me in all ways but one." I give her a confused expression. She points down to our child, who's waking from the sound of our voices. She cries out for attention as her eyes open slightly. Once her eyes open fully, I see myself. Or my eyes that is. "They are the exact color and shape as yours, truly." I open my arms for Anne to place our daughter into them. "What shall she be called?" I look to Anne, smiling. "Annebelle..." Anne eyes fill with tears as I kiss her forehead once more before placing my sight back on our daughter to finish naming her. "Princess Annebelle Tudor. Since she was conceived while we still married."
Charles' P.O.V
I observe Anne and Henry with their daughter from behind the curtains. Thomas Boleyn has long since left without laying eyes on his granddaughter. George remains behind, awaiting Henry's return to court. Anne and Henry hadn't separated since Henry went to meet his daughter. They look so content on just watching Princess Annebelle sleep. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to find Mary Boleyn. "They make a beautiful family, do they not, your grace?" She looks over to her sister and the king. "So happy..." I nod along with her observations.  She turns back to me. "They make a good couple without the stress of royal pressures, but as a married couple they never stood a chance." I smile, unsure if Mary is on my side or the king's. "Anne is far too outspoken to play the obedient, docile Queen. That's one of the reasons Henry fell for her. That and because she is his equal in everyway. No man has ever made her happier than his majesty. Once you find your other half it's impossible to let them go completely, even if it's what best for them."
I turn my focus on Mary fully. "Are you saying you wish for her to be with me or him?" She shrugs. "You, my lord, are what's good for her, but the king is who she lives for."
Lovely, what's she needs versus what she wants, so who gets her in the end?

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