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[ B A R N E Y ]

I knocked on the door. I waited for a response. Then knocked again. 

This had to be the house since he did give me the address himself. And I know that he has a crush on me so he would never give the wrong address. The door opened and I saw Elmo glaring at me but faking a smile.

"Come in," he said through his teeth. Then he walked on with the door wide open. I looked in and closed the door behind me. "So I got the project stuff-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Put it on the table" Elmo said gesturing towards the table next to him. He was looking on Seasagram which I didn't know he had. 

I placed the stuff on the table and sat down getting to work. He came over to help me eventually but we sat in awkward silence. There was a few 'Put it there instead' and 'no it needs to be at a certain 90 degree'.  

But mostly silence. I realize it was best to start a conversation. "So how your day been?" I asked looking at him. "Good till-" he mumbled the rest. He saw what I wrote. I was hoping he didn't. 

"So you saw it?" I asked. He nodded. "But how? You don't even-"

"And that's where I have to stop you. Im Scarlet. And guess what? I know you and Cookie are ' the best of friends' but I know your sercet. I know a gay when I see one."

Too bad. Because I also have gay powers.

"Your also gay" I said bluntly. He looked down in embrassment. "And I know you like me-"

He stopped me there and kiss my lips. For a quick second. But just as quick as it started it stop. I blushed.

"I-I-I-I got-got to go" I stuttered and exit the door grabbing my backpack.

Oh snap. I enjoyed it. 

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