The party

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My first story on here! ;D

Please comment, i would love your feed back, and if you liked it maybe even vote?


Natalie's P.O.V


Tyler Miller walked past me in the lunch hall and I felt myself go weak at the knees

His dirty blonde hair messily fell around his face, his intense blue eyes searched the lunch hall for his friends

He had lightly tanned skin and his muscular arms were crossed over his chest

I just wanted to run up to him and hug him, kiss him... wow i''m sad

"Natalie! Stop drooling and answer my question" My best friend Alana snapped

"W-what?" I stuttered

"Will you come to Mels party tonight?" Alana asked

"Al, you know I dont like going to partys, people get drunk, and they harras, it's not my type of thing" I sighed

"Please! I'll be your best friend" Alana pleaded with her puppy dog eyes

"You already are my best friend" I said rolling my eyes

"I'll shout out that your a virgin if your don't come" Alana whispered

"You wouldn't" I hissed

 "I would" Alana said smugly

She stood up and opened her mouth to speak

"Fine, fine, I'll go!" I said quickly

I knew Alana wouldn't announce my little secret, but better be safe than sorry

"Good girl" Alana said patting my head

"I hate you" I muttered

"I know! But you still love me anways" Alana beamed "I'll pick you up at six, be ready, theres no getting out of this"she quickly ran out of the lunch hall

I let out a groan of fustration and put my hands on my head


Alana's P.O.V


I changed into my black skinny jeans and a dark purple tank top that read 'CONTAGIOUS" on the front of it

I pulled the bobble out of my long side pony and let my black hair fllow

I applied some dark red lipstick and dark grey eyeshadow

Picking up my bag , I put my phone and 100 pounds inside then set off for my black Farari

After ten minutes I pulled up outside Natalies house and beeped my horn

She looked out of her window with a worried expression on her face

Quickly she ran out the house and hopped into the passenger seat

"Why the worried look?'' I asked

"I just don't want to get drunk and end up in some guys ,who I dont know, bed" Natalie said quickly

"Relax, you won't lose your virginity" I promised "but i'm not promising that you wont get drunk"

Natalie let out a nervouse groan

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