9. Sulking

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Craig slowly opened the door to see Tweek laying face first into the mattress. He went to close the door behind him, but then remembered Mrs. Tweak's weird rule. He left the door partly cracked and made his was over to Tweek's bed.

He slowly reached his hand down to Tweek's shoulder, instantly making the boy shoot up from his former position.

"GaH- Craig! What are you doing in my house!"

"We need to get you an outfit for the party, remember?" Craig said lifting a brow innocently, as if they just weren't outside having a heated conversation.


"Shhhhh Tweek, lets just find you something decent to wear to the party, then I'll leave."

"B-But I can't go to the party! What would be the point?!"

"I'll get you to the party, so don't worry."

"ARrG! Fine! Whatever! I don't even care anymore! The quicker you leave, the b-better!"

Craig moved from Tweek's bedside and went to his closet. Craig made sure his back was facing Tweek, he didn't want Tweek to see his face of disappointment. Craig was feeling weird that Tweek's words about leaving quicker would make him happier.

Craig set that to the side, and continued to shift through Tweek's closet. It was filled with sweater and button up shirts ranging from the colors of muddy brown to lime green. Craig shuffled through all his shirts quickly, disappointed that Tweek had nothing of his taste.

He sighed as his signal of giving up and just grabbed out a nearly white button up shirt with short sleeves. Tweek would freeze if he left the house in only that, so Craig continued digging through the wrack to make sure he saw all his options. Not completely pleased, but satisfied, he took out a short black sweater.

On Tweek it might look okay, Craig pondered as he held the two items out in front of him. He turned to Tweek, seeing his option. Tweek only twitched and shrugged his shoulders. Craig hung the two items of clothing on the door handle of the closet door.

"Guess I'll leave, like I promised before." Craig said with a huff of disappointment, almost expecting Tweek to stop him as he began heading to the door. Tweek only sat back on his bed, jittering his hands around one another.

Craig took one look back at Tweek, before turning and leaving without another word. Craig just couldn't win with the boy. The golden haired teen had a wall bricked tightly around him, cemented with all his secrets and impossible to break without breaking him down completely.

Craig left to his own apartment, not in the mood to speak to anyone he knew. The party would be here before he knew it, meaning that he needed to find a way to get Tweek out of his house by then. Craig knee he was best mailing his choices on the spot, but he still sought out a plan anyway.

He got to his apartment, and crashed onto his bed. It immediately sucked the energy from him, the softest of the mattress begging him to stay. He steadied himself more center on the bed, before pulling out his phone.

He scrolled through his message screen, searching for his latest text to Token. Upon finding his name, he opened up to text with him.

'When will the party be starting'

Craig inclined through the text, openly waiting for his response back. He hoped it would be a short number answer, but he got back a snarky remark instead.

'When did Craig Tucker start worrying about being timely?'

He scoffed as he read over his message.

'Token, not now with your snobby comments, I want a time.'

'Fine, asshole. You can come as early as 7. But that's only for you, everyone else is expected to arrive at a solid 9 o'clock.'



Next Craig went to text Clyde, since he had seemed distant all the week. He pulled in there message tab, and got to typing.

'Hey Clyde, you've seemed off this week, everything alright?'

Craig got straight to the point, not wanting to beat around the bush with Clyde. One might say that you had to be blunt with Clyde to get your point across.

'Yeah, I'm fine. R you??'

'What are you trying to say?'

'Well I've seen you and Tweek talk this week, I just feel like I'm missing out on something...'

Craig already knew where Clyde was going with this. He was going to play all sad and lonely until he got all the attention turned back on him.

'Yeah, we talked like once. Nothing happened that was important.'

'Really Craig? Because I think you and Tweek are gettin all buddy-buddy with each other'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Come on Craig, don't play dumb. Tweek is only in our group out of pity. You getting close to him means you want something in return.'

'But I don't want anything... I only invited him to the party.'

'Lies. Tweek and you are up to something. And I'll find it out... whether it's you guys fucking or some kind of prank on me and Token, I'll find out.'

'You're fucking bat-shit crazy Clyde.'

With that Craig face palmed at all the trouble he was getting himself into. Clyde was letting his psycho, manipulative mind in the way of his own logic. Craig shut off his phone, not in any mood to be confronted.

The way Clyde spoke of Tweek made his skin crawl. He acted at if Tweek was nothing more than a chess piece, a toy to be used. It was sickening to see Clyde's dark opinions come out.

Craig wished he did have a reason to explain to Clyde though. Even if Clyde assuming he was only hanging out for a manipulative purpose made him upset, he still wanted that purpose to be clear. He wouldn't let himself just say he was doing it out of the good of his heart, because that seemed absurd.

Craig thought about Clyde's accusations, to find out what they were up to. Clyde suggested two things: Craig and Tweek planning against him, or Craig and Tweek fucking. Both seemed out out of the blue, but Craig couldn't seem to let it go.

Him and Tweek, having a friend with benefits relationship? Yeah, Clyde must have been off his rocker to think that was a irrational idea. Craig would never fuck with a man, especially someone like Tweek.

The rest of the day, both Craig and Tweek sulked in their separate beds. Neither of them really had an explanation to why they were feeling bad. The both just pushed it from their minds, and attempted to escape the reality they created.

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