5. Under The Bed

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Craig was the first to wake up. He looked under him, he vision still blurry. For a moment he thought it was a flat chested girl. Craig shook his head, he didn't remember having sex. He blinked his eyes to realize it was Tweek, snoring softly against Craig's chess.

In the moment, Tweek really reminded Craig of a girl. A pretty one at that. But Craig refused to admit that part to himself. As Craig started to move himself away from Tweek, he woke Tweek up.

Tweek curled into a ball, his thin body didn't fight well against the cold. Tweek blinked a few times looking around until his eyes met Craig's.

"Nghhn," Tweek moaned as he sat up and stretched, and yawned. Tweek hadn't gotten to sleep that well since he was a baby. As Tweek used one of his hands to rub the sleep from his eyes, he still hadn't fully got grasp of his surroundings. Sleepy Tweek had no fear as he laid back against the couch, and turned to Craig, who was now one the other end of the couch sitting there staring at Tweek.

"Mmmh Craiggg, Do you have any food?"

Tweek seemed so calm in the moment, it scared Craig just a little bit. This was not the same Tweek he saw at school. Tweek at school was shaky and unapproachable. This Tweek was laying there, open and calm.

Craig nodded his head and sprinted to his kitchen area to make Tweek a cereal. He only had coco puffs so that's what Tweek would be getting.

Tweek got up and slumped over to the kitchen counter. Craig had bar stools sitting on the outside of the kitchen counter. Tweek struggled to climb up the chair and sit. Craig quickly shoved over Tweek's bowl of cereal.

Tweek was hoping for coffee, but he was grateful for the cereal. Craig watched Tweek as he ate his cereal. Craig was feeling a weird feeling he had never experienced before, he couldn't put a name on what it was but he didn't like it.

As Tweek slowly ate his cereal, he started to come to realization. He slid off the stool and started grabbing onto his hair. How was he not dead yet? Tweek ran over to the couch, grabbing up his pants and slipping them on.

Craig was still behind the kitchen watching Tweek turn back to the Tweek he knew. Craig walked his way to Tweek, slowly. He stood by the couch watching Tweek try to fit the skinny jeans into his thighs. It was amusing to Craig, as he watched Tweek's thighs squish against the jean material.

"Need help?" Craig said but quickly regretting it. Why would he say that to a guy? Wtf. Tweek pauses from his struggles and turned his head up to Craig. Even Tweek was asking himself, what the fuck?

Tweek did finally get his pants on, zipping himself up carefully so the zipper would catch on his dick. Craig was contemplating the death of his ego and he still stood there watching Tweek get dressed. After the pants, Tweek pulled the shirt right over his head.

Tweek's pale stomach was very thin and had a bruised mark on his side from getting pushed into the lockers on Monday. He searched around for his shirt, quickly putting it on and trying to button it. Placing all the button in the wrong holes, he skin was still visible.

Next Tweek grabbed his phone from the couch and saw all the texts from his parents. Tweek started to let his jitters calm them self as he sat back on the couch. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes.

His routine was ruined. And Craig was still watching him with a frustrating face. Tweek needed to leave before he got too tired to do so.

"Tweek, what time is it?" Craig said trying to get his mind off of how weird he was feeling.

"Uh, almost one o'clock" Tweek said as he checked his phone, still avoiding all the texts on his screen.

Craig came to join Tweek on the couch.

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