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No one's p.o.v

It was day time. The sky sunny. Not a cloud. Then in a cottage lived a family of two both humans. A father and son/daughter. The father was a shop keeper. Though he really never had business since he competed against Porkrind. But it was a mystery how he was paying for the house or food or even clothing. Though these answers would soon be solved...

It was night time. Y/n was asleep tired from having to put posters up in order to attract customers even if they never worked. Until a loud noise was heard. Frightened y/n snapped awake. He/she wiped her/his eyes looked around then went to the door. Opening it the smallest bit then saw his/her dad going down the stairs outside. Curious y/n followed but not before putting a sweater,pants, and shoes on. Y/n was outside and then saw the light of her/his dad's lamp and followed it. It then led to The Devil's Casino. Y/n gulped. He/she was always told by his/her dad never to go here yet here he is going right through the doors of the casino. Y/n went after him.

The casino was huge. Slot machines as far as the eye can see. Tables of different card games and the smell of alcohol hung in the air. Y/n had lost track of her/his dad while admiring the casino. 'Why ever did dad tell me not to come here?' Y/n thought then saw why. Two boys were kicked out literally. One a mug and the other a cup. Y/n hated to suffer the same fate they did. But what he/she didnt know was she/he was going to suffer a worse fate. After gazing through clouds of smoke and random strangers y/n finally found her/his dad. Then saw a crowd of people surrounding him. Y/n went through and saw her/his dad and two men. One wore a fancy outfit that was colored with different shades of purple and had a die for a head. The other was obviously the devil. His fur darker than the blackest night and yellow glowing eyes. They were both looking at y/n's dad.

Devil:So whatcha say do we have a deal?

His voice sent chills down y/n's spine. 'what's the deal?' Y/n thought.

Y/n dad:With my luck hell yea!

He grabbed hisndice and prepared to roll. Y/n then came.

Y/n:Dad what did ya just do!

Y/n's dad:Dont worry I got this.

He whispered. He then showed y/n the dice he was using. He was about to roll when...

King Dice:What ever are ya doin? We let our guest use the game dice.

He then handed y/n's dad some dice. Y/n dad's expression changed. This was real chance now because before he was using....loaded dice. Sweat dripped from his head. Both men watched as y/n's dad rolled the dice.

Devil:Ha snake eyes. Now to keep your end of the deal. Your soul.

Y/n's father went on his knees.

Y/n's dad:Wait no I made a mistake please! Is there something else I can do?

Devil:Nothing at about that soul-


The three looked at y/n. Y/n took a deep breath. 'y/n what are you getting yourself into?'

Y/n:Take me instead.

Devil:Hmpf you...

King Dice:Wait'a minute boss.

He then whispered to his boss. Whispers were heard from both.

Devil:Fine you take his place.

With a snap of his fingers a contract appeared he then gave it to y/n with a quill.


He had a devious smile. Y/n having second thoughts signed. With that the devil snatched it then snapped his fingers. Y/n's dad gone replaced with a puff of smoke. A few tears went down his/her face. 'my freedom,my soul gone to the devil' y/n thought. Y/n 'was my dad really worth it' . but that could be thought of later what mattered was what was going to happen now.

Devil:So y/n seems you'll be staying here for the rest of your life. Aint that grand. Now lets get you situated. You do what ever I say and only call me boss and look at me when spoken to understood?

Y/n nodded to scared to speak.


Y/n:Y-yes sir.

He smiled.

Devil:Dice lets show Miss/Mr y/n to his/her room.

King Dice:As ya say boss. Y/n.

He then guided y/n through the casino. Getting some glances from people. One gave a nasty stare scaring y/n. Y/n walked a little faster trailing on Dice's heels. Dice took notice and chuckled quietly. After what felt like an hour they made it to a room. Dice then turned to y/n.

King Dice:This is your new room its not much buts its adequate.

He opened the door. It was a black and blue room. The bed was huge with a blue sheet and black pillows. There was a dark wooden dresser and desk. A black lamp,a jukebox, a bathroom and an ice box (fridge).

Y/n looked trying to hide the fact he/she was impressed by the room.

King Dice:You should be working tommorrow so wake up at 7am I will come by with a uniform for you by then. Dont wake up late.


King Dice :Merely because I said so and the devil isnt so kind.

Y/n gulped.

King dice:Anyway I need to go back to work oh last thing the door will be locked so dont bother escapin'. Ta ta.

He left and closed the door. The lock clicked. Y/n looked around. Unsure what to feel. She/he just lost his/her freedom to the devil yet all this stuff a a place to live is better and a father who wont make her/him try to get customers in vain could be great. Y/n plopped onto the bed pondering the positives and negatives.

To the devil and King Dice.

Devil:So the new recruit why did ya think it was a good idea again?

King Dice:Well Boss she/he would help 'round 'ere and also he/she seems to, how do I say captivate me.

Devil:Dont make me laugh. You with her/him? I have a better chance then you.

King Dice:Will'n to wager?

Devil:...What are you saying?

King Dice:I dunno Im just sayin are you willing to bet he/she would fall for you.

Devil:I bet all my money.

King Dice:Alrighty then I bet all my money as well. I bet I can get her/him to fall for me first

Devil:And I bet I can get him/her fall for me first.

They then shook hands making the bet official...

King Dice x reader x devilWhere stories live. Discover now