Chapter 27

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Jaehyo never once stepped back into that opaque white room. He never went to visit her, afraid that he would break and take her back after what she did. But he did call her a few times, and in those times he mainly yelled, demanding for the answers that she wouldn't give.

He couldn't believe it.

He had a chance to have a family, but then she ended it before she even spoke to him about it. Jaehyo crouched in the corner, sitting down with his knees to his chest. He buried his head in his hands as he cried.

He lost Mina.

He blew her off and hung out with Hwani when she need him most.

And because of that, she was attacked, beaten and abused.

He lost his children.

Because of Mina's mental state, he wasn't there for her.

He blamed himself.

He lost everything, Hwani was right.

Everyone leaves you in the end.

Hell, Mina tried taking her life just to get away.

He sobbed silently, afraid he'd wake the others with his tears.

Why does everything go wrong?

Jaehyo shook his head, sniffling as he rose to his feet. He went to go wash his face and that's when he heard the front door knob rattle. Taeil walked in with a worried expression and when he saw Jaehyo, he averted his eyes.

Jaehyo patted his face dry, then followed the elder.

"Tae, what's up?"


"Where've you been?"


Taeil made his answers as vague as possible, leading Jaehyo to believe one thing.

"...." Jaehyo looked at his best friend with a strange expression. "Where you with Mina?"

"No Jae-"

"Don't lie to me."

Taeil's eyes were filled with concern, but he couldn't tell Jaehyo. It would break him. He sighed.

"Yeah," He said quietly. "I was with Mina."

Jaehyo stayed silent, then chuckled half heartedly.

"You've been out late very night it seems..." He looked at the ceiling, afraid his eyes might water. "Are you always with her?"


Jaehyo's fist balled.

"Why are you taking her side?" He semi-shouted. His lip was quivering a little, and Taeil saw it. He tried to reach out for his best friend, but he jerked back. "Why, Tae? You know what she did! I don't want to lose you too..."

Taeil lost it.

"You drove her to do it!" He lied, shouting the words Mina told him to. "Jae, you're my best friend. There's no way I'd leave too okay? Calm down--"

"What's going on out here?" Zico interrupted, rubbing his eyes as he came out of his room. The rest of the band mates woke up too, watching the two.

Taeil's eyes scanned everyone, his eyes landing on Yukwon who looked at him with concern.

"What's going on?" Yukwon asked.

Jaehyo fist flew back and the vase next to him shattered into pieces. Just like him.

"Oh nothing. Just my best friend is fooling around with my ex girl friend."

"Jae, you're misunderstanding every-"

Jaehyo stormed out after that, leaving Taeil's sentence hanging. He didn't want to hear anything from Taeil or the other guys.


Mina paced the hospital room, bored out of her mind. Min went out to buy some food since he was sick of the Hospital's cafeteria food. Mikki was out buying things for Mina and the twins, which Mina disagreed on her for doing, but she did it regardless. And all of her night shift nurses were on break, leaving her there to entertain herself.

Her hands were rubbing her stomach as she paced. It's been days since Jaehyo stormed out, and since then her stomach was starting to show a bit. She wanted him to know, but she didn't want him burdened with both her and the kids. Hell, he seemed like he couldn't stand being around her the last time he visited.

When the door opened, she was surprised seeing him there, red faced and puffy eyed.


"Leave my best friend alone." He spat. "It's bad enough that you screwed me over, but don't drag him into this either."

"What're you talking about-"

"Just DON'T okay?! I'm-"

Mina huffed.

"AHN JAEHYO, do NOT talk to me that way. I'm tired of listening to your bullshit about caring for others okay? Taeil comes around to help with stuff since I'm in the hospital, you jealous prude! He's a friend of mine too!"

"And I didn't screw you over, I believe it's the other way around."

Jaehyo scoffed. "What, you're serious? Mina, you ruined-"

"Ahn Jaehyo, don't you dare say I ruined anything." She shouted. "You fucked everything up when you never stopped seeing Hwani!"

Mina ran her fingers through her hair, huffing a sigh as Jaehyo stood there, yelling at her like he's been doing for the past nights.

"I was only with Hwani to protect you!"

"Yeah, whatever Jae!"

"God woman! Would you just listen?!"

"What is there to listen to? More bullshit?"

Mina tensed as she saw Jaehyo clench his fists. After what happened, she slowly grew afraid of men, but Jaehyo wouldn't hurt her would he?

The next thing she knew, she was being pinned to the wall with Jaehyo's head close to hers. Her eyes were watering as he continued to yell, but she wasn't listening. She couldn't let herself succumb to his ways, and she couldn't look at him, because all she wanted to do was crawl up into his arms and have him say that he loved her again.

But they both knew that it wouldn't happen, no matter how much they loved each other.

Suddenly, Jaehyo was pulled off her as a swift punch resided on his jaw. Mina was shaking, watching as Min and Kai dragged Jaehyo out of the room. He was still yelling, making her feel even worse. She dropped to her knees.

It's her fault he's like this, isn't it?

It's all her fault.

"All my fault," Mina muttered, her body hitting the floor as her mind went blank.


I know most of my readers hate me by now and I'm sorry, but this story only has a few more chapters left :3

Please comment..?


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