"You are able to move you know." A deep voice echoed from the doorway and I bit down on my tongue, most likely drawing blood, to keep from screaming out. "Marin can practically sleep through anything."

Turning my head the best I could without disturbing her I caught sight of a shirtless Jelani, a pair of pajama bottoms slung low on his hips as he rested the majority of his weight on the door frame. One hand securely holding a steaming hot mug of, what I assumed to be, coffee. His body is more than what I imagined it would be last night. It's chiseled in all the right places and it doesn't look like their is an ounce of fat on him anywhere. 

"I wasn't sure and she looked too peaceful to wake up." I replied honestly.

"She had a very long night. Her hunger wasn't easily sated and I fear that it may return during the day. If that is to happen I need to know that you will be able to resist Marin's charm. It is that of a siren's call and an aphrodisiac rolled into one and it can be alluring. However, it is even more deadly when you don't know how to handle it." He explained. My mind was still on the fact that he boasted about him and Marin doing the deed all night like it was nothing at all.

"Um..." It was weird that he was so comfortable discussing this with me. I was actually thrown for a loop on this one. Never had I encountered someone so open and honest about their intimate affairs with a complete stranger. Hopefully he wasn't planning on telling me any details any time soon.

"I only mention it because when Marin's hunger becomes like this it becomes this fog that forcefully pushes everything back into the recesses of Marin's mind allowing only her hunger to be made known. There is no such thing as control for her when this happens." He explained. "I will not go into details but there has been more than one incident in her past where this has happened and it did not end well for those involved."

That was even more ominous than his threat from last night. It was clear was he was hinting at and I had to reevaluate myself. Was I strong enough to resist her? Hell, I wasn't even strong enough to resist her womanly wiles right now and she hadn't even done anything yet. I would certainly be in a lot of trouble.

"Can't you just take her with you then?" I questioned, panicking just a little. As much as the little minx entranced me I didn't need her sucking my soul dry.

"Unfortunately, I cannot. Not only am I going some where she will have too many feasting options but I want Marin to know that I have trust in her. She informed me that today will be a lot better and that she had more control over herself. If anything were to happen though I will be leaving one of the Hyenas out today.

All you would have to do is call him and he will come running. No matter what he does do not interrupt him, Marin will be alright. The hyenas' name is Baako. He should be close by but he will come as soon as you call no matter where he is." 

Great, my very own bodyguard. 

The last thing I needed was to have one of those hyenas trailing after me as I tried to scope out the place inconspicuously. Those things weren't natural and I didn't need anything hindering my plans.

"Sounds like fun." I replied, my eyes never leaving his green ones.

"Yes. I'm sure it will be an interesting day for you." He chuckled lightly. "You and Marin will have a full day ahead of you but I expect to see both of you for lunch at one in the afternoon and then dinner will be promptly at seven."

"Sir, yes Sir." I mocked saluted him, earning a glare and a smirk from the ebony elemental.

Without any other words he turned and left the room, the smirk still in place on his face. My attention was turned back to the sleeping beauty who was still nuzzled close to me. She whimpered and then her sharp nails dug into my chest for about two seconds before she let go and relaxed again.

Otherworldly Redemption [Book 7]Where stories live. Discover now