l i s t e n i n g

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Lynn bites her lip as she looks down, heading to her next class. She pulls her black jacket a little tighter around her body, already missing the warmth from inside. All she's been able to think of today is Emily and sleep. She's been heavily deprived of both for the past few hours.

Brian already texted her about the other girl today, suggesting that Lynn is falling in love with her. Lynn knows that it's impossible. You can't fall in love with someone just by looking at them. There isn't love at first sight. It's lust, plain and simple. Yes, she will admit that she has fallen in lust a little bit with Emily, seeing as the other girl is drop dead gorgeous, but she's also loving her personality, too.

Is there a possibility that she likes the raven-haired girl as a friend, heading to more?


It's definitely more probable than not.

But Lynn will deny the thought of love until she's absolutely sure.

She shifts her heavy bag on her shoulder, wincing a little from the pain. There's way too much stuff in there right now, but she knows she's going to need it all sooner or later. The lack of sleep makes this task a lot harder, since she can't concentrate and doesn't have as much energy, but she doesn't regret staying up last night at all. It's all worth it.

Wait, did she even grab her drawings when she locked up this morning?

There's a frantic patting of the contents in her bag. "Nope," Lynn whispers to herself, withdrawing her hand with a tiny sigh. Were those all due today? If they are, she's screwed. Quickly, she runs through her calendar today, remembering that it's Friday. Nothing today, everything is due Monday or later.

Lynn breathes a sigh of relief and continues walking, looking at all of the leaves falling around the campus. Everything is so beautiful around this time of year. It's a time of decay, but as it has been said many times before, destruction is a form of creation. This is the time for burial, the time for birth coming in a few months. Each is beautiful and poetic in its own way.

Seasons remind Lynn that there is a time for everything.

Slowly, her train of thought derails, coming back to the present. She finally realizes that she's been walking at a snail's pace, admiring everything around her just a little too much. The blonde rolls her eyes at herself and picks up the pace, not wanting to be late for class. As she passes the familiar wooden benches and old statues of important people to the college, she begins to think again.

She really needs to finish the drawing of the woman soon. There's something that she's not really digging about it, though. Part of her wants to just rip it up and throw it in the trash, but she doesn't know what or who her next subject will be if she chooses to do that instead of going through with it.

A quick thought flashes through her mind in an instant: Emily.

She shakes her head for a moment, knowing that she can't just straight-up ask the girl if she can stay with her for hours just to get a perfect drawing or painting of her. Their friendship hasn't reached that level yet, no matter how much Lynn would love getting to see her for that long.

Now that the idea is in her head, though, it flourishes, taking on a life of its own and going on and on; it comes up with conversation topics so Emily won't be bored, what paints will work the best, which drawing technique could work, and so many other things. Lynn has to shake her head again to make all of it stop.

Trying to get the other girl out of her head, at least for a few minutes, the blonde makes her way into the classroom, hoping that she can make a decision soon.

a reason for waking {lynn gunn au}Where stories live. Discover now