c o n f e s s i n g

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Lynn's thoughts are filled with nothing but worry and slight hurt as she walks onto her college campus. She's still wondering about why Emily never made it, wondering if she's okay, wondering if she'd done something to make the other girl want to stay away and never come back.

The darkness in her head is growing larger, and she's convinced that the older girl had felt it so she'd ran far away.

Lynn doesn't blame her.

She clutches her books to her chest a little more tightly, feeling the darkness continuing to seep into her brain and her veins, all of the fight left in her cowering and disappearing in its wake. This feeling is the worst, but she can't destroy it, can't do anything except shut down every other feeling in her body, too. She doesn't want to be numb, so she allows her emotions to destroy her. She lets them win.

Slowly, she looks up to see a very familiar tall, dark-haired girl standing in front of her campus building, the same one that she is currently heading towards. A surge of hope fills her chest as she rushes forward, making the other girl look up with widened eyes. When she sees it's Lynn, she smiles and catches Lynn in a hug, spinning her around a little bit before letting her go, catching Lynn slightly off-guard. Though the blonde wouldn't mind being greeted like that by Emily more often. "Hello, my best friend," she says quietly with a smile.

"Well, hello to you, too, my best friend," Lynn giggles, the words and actions making her grin. It hasn't been the longest time, but she would definitely consider the girl up there with Brian, Alex, and Justin. No one else in her life has known so much about her or has seemed to care so much for her in a long time. 

"I'm so sorry for not showing up last night. I didn't mean to stand you up." Lynn can't help but laugh at Emily's choice of words, also feeling a slight flutter in her heart. To anyone else, the way they're acting and talking right now would definitely sound like they were a couple. "I just got tired and did manage to sleep. When I woke up, though, I was going to meet you but was stopped."

"What stopped you?" Lynn asks, raising her eyebrows a little. It's definitely piquing her interest, knowing that there's something that Emily wants to tell her but hasn't yet. This seems like it's part of that ordeal.

"I, um, I'll explain it tonight," the other girl says, casting her eyes to the ground self-consciously. "It's not really something I would be comfortable explaining with so many people around."

"That's okay," Lynn says, placing a supportive hand on the girl's shoulder. "Take your time. I understand." There's silence for a moment, and then Lynn adds, "How did you know where to find me, anyway?"

"I remembered that you said you were going to college here, taking morning classes on the odd days, and I just went from there, asking other people if they knew what class Lyndsey Gunnulfsen had first. It freaked me out a little when no one seemed to know who I was talking about, so I finally just decided to wait until I spotted you. I got lucky and chose the right building, I guess." Lynn has to laugh a little at the revelation of no one really knowing her. She does keep to herself quite a lot in class. Though poor Emily does seem a little shaken by it.

"I'm glad I found you," Lynn smiles. "I would've hated for you to come this way and not get to talk like you wanted. Plus, I was kind of worried last night about you, but I'll be able to concentrate on classwork now." She giggles again, and Emily gives her an apologetic smile. 

"Yeah, sorry about that again." She pulls out her phone and types something into it. "Hey, is it okay if we take a picture together? My other friends want to see a picture of the 'mystery girl' that I keep on talking about."

"Of course," Lynn says happily, moving closer to Emily and wrapping an arm around the other girl, smiling for the camera. Emily does the same, taking the photo and putting her arm down to look at it. The blonde moves so she can see it, too. "Aw, that's cute."

a reason for waking {lynn gunn au}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora