Chapter 1

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New Orleans, La, February 7, 2018


Watching him step out of the airport terminal sends me reeling, overwhelmed with an emotion that I can't seem to shake recently. It's only been a few weeks since we've seen each other but it's like the second I see his dark curls and lanky figure I can breathe right again. I'm so fucking nervous to see him, or maybe its excitement? I'm not sure. I know I shouldn't be nervous around him because it's Timmy, and he feels more like home than LA does. But right now my stomach is doing flips, and he can't know how he's making me feel. When he finally does see me across the room I can't help the sheepish smile that breaks across my face.


God I'm so tired, and I probably look like shit. What's keeping me going though is know that in less than 10 minutes I'll be with Armie. That his arms will be around me and his voice will be coming straight out of his mouth and not from some stupid phone. Just imagining his 6' 5" self causes me to smile out the window of the plane. Almost home, I think, almost to him.

When the plane lands I quickly gather my things and stand to get my suitcase from the compartment above my head. Once my headphones are off and put away in my bag I notice how many people are still sleeping, or are silently sitting around in no hurry to get off of the plane. None of them know that I'm currently ecstatic inside to see the man that I love... who will never love me. I force that last thought to fall away, impatiently waiting in line to get the hell off out of here.

I had thought at one point during filming that he may have had feelings for me: all of the longing looks, and the seemingly unconscious touches he gave back in Crema. When filming was through though, he and I became sort of distant; we were still friendly and loved being around each other, but our dynamic shifted. It was no longer Elio, Oliver, Armie, and Timothee.

It was Timmy.

Armie and Elizabeth.

In that order.

Not being able to hold him in public the way I would have in Crema, because it was acceptable there and part of the character, was difficult and made our relationship more platonic than I want. It also didn't help that he'd mentioned in an interview that we were like "brothers". That fucking hurt. But, with that being said, I'd rather be in pain and have him as a friend compared to not having him at all.

I step out of the hallway into the unfamiliar airport and look for him. I can't seem to find him in the waves of the crowd unti-Armie-. My god he looks even better than he did a few weeks ago. I notice immediately that he is clothed in none other than his famous black tracksuit, and I make a mental note to tease him for it later as a huge ass grin takes over my mouth.


He bounds his way over to me, suitcase trailing behind him, and I think I stop breathing completely. He lets go of his suitcase about a foot away from me and dumps his bookbag next to it, never breaking eye contact.

"Armie, God man it's good to see you!", he says to me before reaching out with his long gangly limbs to embrace me. I oblige whole-heartedly, my heart literally beating out of my chest as I sigh into his hair. "Aw I've missed you too buddy". I'm praying that my hug seems friendly and not like a "I'm ready to melt into your arms" type of hug. Timmy looks up at me with this look in his eye that I can't read, which is frustrating because normally I can read this boy like a kindergarten book. Before I can think too much about that look I remember that we should probably get moving before someone recognizes one of us, and turn to grab his suitcase. I cannot stop smiling at him. "Follow me, Timmy T", I declare and gesture for him to follow.

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