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Frank POV

I walk out of Gees room, sighing quietly. I don't want anything to happen to him. I grab a bottle of beer from the fridge and sit on the couch. When I switch on the television, I put on the news and see something that looked very familiar.

I looked closer at the screen as the newscaster spoke. "Cameras outside this gas station caught a suspicious figure walking around in all black clothing. Some people are saying it has glowing eyes, and follows you if it sees you." I shut the tv off, now knowing that this guy is a suspicious figure. I quickly look outside all windows and lock them all just in case.

I walk over to Gees room, opening the door. When I open it, I see Gerard sitting straight up on his bed, breathing heavily. "Gee, What are you doing up?" I ask. "I-I saw him." He stutters. I open my mouth, but close it slightly, "Him?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "My old master." He mumbles, his voice cracking. "I'm a dream?" I sit on the bed next to him. "No, over there." He brings up his hand and points to the window, a window with no curtains covering it. "What do you mean?" I ask. "H-he walked up to the window, in all black. He looked at me with glowing, scawy eyes then, he walked away." Gerard says like he was four years old. "Shit, no no no." I mumble to myself, walking over to the window covering it back up. "Here, I'll lay in here with you, to be safe." I say, crawling up next to Gee. He smiles slightly, his ears folding back a bit. He nods and crawls under the blanket. Gee scoots up closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist. I look at him and smile. "Okay Gee, go to sleep now, it's late." I murmur, petting his ear. He yawns, "Okay, love you, Daddy." He smiles. "Love you too, Gerard." I reply.

About twenty minutes later, I'm still awake in Gees bed, thinking about if he actually saw his old master. I let the thought pass away and slide up closer to Gerard. Soon, I finally fall asleep. Not really thinking what could happen to us.


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