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I'm baccccc
*cough buy M A N I A now cough*

Gerard's POV

I wake up in a bed, my new bed. I realize where I am instantly, my new home. I crawl out of the bed and walk downstairs. I quickly start to smell something from the kitchen and my ears perk up a bit. "Frank?" I mumble. "Oh, you're awake." He says, turning around. "W-what are you doing?" I stutter, still tired. "Grilled cheese, and some noodles. Not much in the house right now." Frank says, his smile going down a bit. "That's okay, it's food." I chuckle, sitting down.

I finish my food and walk back to my bedroom. I sit on the bed and stare and my tail. Why do I have a tail and ears? Was I born like this? Did this happen to surgery? What if all my life is but a dream? (IM SORRY RYDEN FANS I JUST). I snap out of my nightmarish thoughts by Frank knocking on my door. "Come in." I murmur. Frank smiles and walks in. "Hey, You okay?" He asks. "Um, yeah. Why?" I ask, raising a brow. "You seem really quiet today." Frank says. I shrug and grab one of my stuffies and hug it tightly. "This isn't like you Gee, something's gotta be wrong?" Frank says quite concerned now. "I'm fine." I say giving a small smile. "Okay." Frank mumbles getting off the bed. "F-Frank?" I stutter. "Yes, Gee?" He replies quickly. "C-can we cuddle?" I ask softly. He smiles and chuckles, "Of course." He says and crawls up next to me on the bed. I wrap my tail around his waist and hold my stuffie closer to me. "I love you Frank." I say biting the inside of my lip. "I love you too Gerard." He says, making me feel like I'm actually important. I smile and start to purr with love.

About ten minutes pass and Frank is passed out, and I can't sleep. I want to because I'm really tired but, I just keeping thinking things about my past. The kinda things that always will keep you up at night. I try and shut my eyes and dream, but all I get are nightmares. I keep shaking awake and it makes me scared. Frank is a really tough sleeper so he hasn't woken up to any of my actions. I try and close my eyes one more time, seeing if I can get decent sleep. When I do close my eyes, I think about good things. Like, my new friends and Frankie.

"Gee?" I hear a voice. "Gerard?" I hear more clear. "Huw-what?" I murmur. "It's almost six thirty." Frank says. "Oh, okay." I say and slowly slide out of bed and stretch. "Ow." I wince in pain. "You okay Love?" Frank asks. "Yeah, my ears are just cramped." I say massaging my ears to make them feel better. "Okay." Frank smiles and walks out of the room. I follow Frank into the bathroom, wondering what he's doing. "What are you doing, Frankie?" I ask all cheerfully. "I'm setting up a bath for you." Frank says, pulling out some bubble bath in a pink bottle. "Ooo, Okay." I say with some excitement.

"I haven't had a bath in a few weeks." I mumble. "You poor thing." Frank says softly. I start to blush and smile at Frank. "You know you can't have a bath with your clothes on right?" Frank says. I look down and my crop top and skirt, then I look back at Frank. "Oh, yeah." I swallow. "Can I have a bit of privacy though?" I ask. "Um yeah." Frank says, getting up and walking out the door.

I get undressed and take my time. When I was fully naked, I knocked on the door. "I'm done now." I say. He comes in the door and looks at me for about three seconds. "Don't be a meanie." I joke and cover up some places. "Sorry, you can get in now." Frank says chuckling a bit. I nod and step in, feeling the warm water shock through me. I sit in the water and look at Frank. He kneels over the tub (hehe) and takes some Strawberry shampoo and starts to put it in my hair.


I step out of the water as Frank puts a towel on my waist. I smile and walk into the bedroom to put some pjs on. As I find a pair, I hear Frank walk into the room. "You know you don't have to bed afraid of anything here right? I don't judge." Frank chuckles. "Eh, I'm scared of a lot of things because of my past." I murmur. "Gives me memories." I shiver at the thought. "Hey, it's okay." Frank says walking up to me.

"I know, it's just a little hard to get used too." I reply, my ears twitching. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" Frank asks all of a sudden. "I-I don't know." I swallow. "Well, you are." Frank smirks, getting really close to me. I start to feel my face heat up. "W-what are you doing?" I stutter. "You'll see." Frank says kissing my lips. I instantly kiss back, embracing the kiss....

So they didn't do any of that but I'm leaving a cliff hanger yeeet.

See ya soon(I promise)

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