Sitting At The Lights Edge

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|Airi's POV| 

Ouran scared me, it's towering pink halls flooded with light was a completely different setting to what I was used to, being cooped up in my house all day meant that I had grown used to the darker setting, having hidden from the outside with duvets and pillows. 

Tamotsu was still walking with me and he tried to shield me from prying eyes, I was so close to him that I could feel his breath on my head. I was in front of him and he let me hide in his jacket. I could feel him breathing and I tried my hardest to time mine with his as a method of calming me down. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. 

"It's okay, Jasmine." he whispered to me, that is what my names means, or part of the meaning behind it. I loved it when he called me that, it seemed to loosen every muscle in my being and calm my aching nerves. My heart rate decreased to a steady beat and my eyes stayed in one space, no longer hunting down my ways of escape. 

I could tell that he felt me relax, and this, I know, also calmed him down. He was nervous to start here as well, but he would never show it because he knows what it would do to me. Seeing my stronger, older brother scared would cause me to do so many stupid things and I'd probably end up crying seeing it. It was just better if he played the confident act.

My classroom was Class 1A and Tomatsu was in Class 2A, but because of my problems he would be staying with me in Class 1A for two weeks, this should be enough time for me to settle in. I would still have the power to ask him back into my class for a while if I needed it. The problem that came with this though, was that I would be disturbing his learning, but because of his intelligence, he would not fall behind, which I was very thankful for. 

When I looked up, I saw the sign for my class, and most of my nerves flooded back. They all crashed into me at the same time, and if Tomatsu was not with me, I would have turned tail and ran. I would have run all the way home, and I would lock all doors and windows to protect myself. Paranoia is just the worst. 

My already racing heartbeat quickened. It was going so fast that you would've thought I was fighting all matter of dominant animals, at the same time! My heartbeat was so loud that I thought, no knew, that I could hear it in my ears. It left a horrible ringing sound and totally distorted me from reality, concentrating fully on slowing the beating down to the normal amount of beats per minute. Although I tried with all my might to settle the thundering inside, it did not happen. My head was hurting due to the continuation of my minor attack and I was so thankful that Tamotsu was keeping me steady. 

He grabbed my hand and held it tight as I entered the classroom. I looked at the teacher as he walked over to me and my brother. Just before he started asking questions, I handed him a small sheet of paper. On it was the reason why I needed my brother with me. He looked from me to the sheet and back again. He smiled and handed me the sheet back before seating me near the window, so I could distract myself if I had to. I was very thankful that he understood my needs and complied with them. 

Tamotsu got the seat next to mine and moved the desk closer just a bit. As the other students started to enter, I quieted down and fiddled with my hands. Tamotsu was keeping an eye on me and looking around the room for any people who seemed anything but friendly. 

I pulled out the needed supplies for my lesson and faced the desk, still fiddling with my hands. I heard footsteps around me, they were everywhere. Voices too. They filled my ears and coursed through my veins. I tried to ignore everyone around me and focus solely on me and my brother. I, somehow, managed to do this and it made me relax, almost completely. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up almost instantly. I turned my head slightly to see who it was. It was a stranger and I felt the tears spring into my eyes, luckily my face was hidden so they didn't see anything. I reached for Tamotsu when someone else appeared. Someone who looked exactly like the first one. Twins. I was doomed. 

The other one was standing in front of Tamotsu when he looked over at me. He saw my outstretched hand and the already loose tears. He shot up so fast that the chair and table were knocked over. He stood himself between me and the strangers and grabbed my hand. He turned his back to the two people, who watched with dazed looks. He crouched down next to me and made me look at him. 

"It's okay Airi. I'm here, everything's fine. Look outside, the sun is shining, the birds are tweeting. We'll only be here a while, okay." I looked to him for help, the tears running freely down my face. They reached my chin and my hand caught them, as I rubbed away any marks they may have left. I nodded at my brother and hugged him. He tried to hit it, but I still saw the pained look on his face, and I hated it with every fibre of my being. 

"Hikaru, Kaoru you have been moved to the front of the room so Airi and her brother are together. This will be a permanent move so get used to it." I heard a pair of sighs and the footsteps walked forward. I look up at Tamotsu again and smiled at him, a similar smile being shown back. He moved his desk next to mine for the rest of the day. Nothing else happend throughout the day, people were curious about me, I knew it. 

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