"Well he's not ugly is he?!"

They looked at each other and burst into laughter, Dani was bent over, clutching her stomach and Matty couldn't catch his breath. I looked at them with dismay.

"I hate you two."

"But you loved us 5 minutes ago!" Matty shouted through his laughter.

"Things change, so do people!" I quipped.

"Like your feelings for Harry then? Coz they changed quite quickly in 24 hours!" Dani howled back.

I pushed my chair out dramatically and flipped them off, I stormed out, causing more laughter.

When they had eventually calmed down we ran to catch the tube so we could make it to the O2 in time. I had packed an extra banana for Harry to pay him back for his generosity yesterday so I was all ready.

After 20 minutes on the tube we arrived at the O2, greeted by a huge crowd again. We took some pictures, well mostly Dani because of her relationship with Liam and we pushed our way inside to get warmed up. All the artists had already started rehearsing so we did a quick stretch and jumped on stage, ready for Ellie Goulding to start.

I spotted Harry walking in with the other boys, he looked so perfect. His hair was pushed back with a green beanie, he had his black skinny jeans on again and a plain black t shirt. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it, he was just so beautiful.

Dani hit me on the shoulder when she realised who I was staring at.

"I know he's a beautiful human being Lo, but remember your safety first, I don't want you falling off stage again!" She winked.

I glared at her and waited for the music to start so I could take my mind off him.

I was quickly snapped out of reality when I saw a blonde girl follow after him, she was petite and skinny and had barely any clothing on. Her make up was perfectly done and her hair was styled to perfection, she was following Harry like a lost puppy. Her arm was draped around his and she was batting her eyelashes at everything he was saying. I saw her smirk at him and blush when he whispered into her ear. A leopard never changes his spots I suppose, why did I think Harry was any different?!

After I left the stage I walked up to Harry and the blonde thing next to him, banana in hand, they were sat amongst his other bandmates and when I approached and Liam saw me and gave me a sweet smile. I smiled back and angled myself away from Harry.

"Hiiiii Lola." Liam spoke first, waving as he did so.

"Hi Liam, how are you doing?" I asked him without gazing in Harry's direction. I felt myself heating up as I saw the girl perch on his lap.

"I'm not too bad thanks." He told me, nervously, looking from Harry and I.

"Soooo, you must be Dani's friend, Lola?" Louis piped up, cheerfully smiling at me.

"Yesss, that's me. And you must be Louis?" I grinned at him.

"I am indeed! Nice to meet you, I heard you've met Harry and Liam, but this is Niall and Zayn too." He pointed to them both and they waved in sync and started asking me some questions.

I was too distracted by the boys conversation to hear Harry call my name. So I kept talking to the boys for another half hour until Louis patted me on the back and pointed to Harry.

He had a brown bag in his hand and some drinks.

"These are for you Lola, I thought you might need them after all your dancing." He gave me a shy smile. The blonde girl was still stood next to him and her hand was protectively on his arm.

"Oh thanks Harry, it's fine though I've got my own food. You can share that with your girlfriend." I smiled sarcastically.

He looked down at the bag disappointedly but smirked when he realised I was jealous. He overplayed it.

"Oh right, yeah, we'll share it babe." He smiled to the girl next to him.

I turned to the other boys so he didn't see the pain in my eyes. He'd called her babe. He'd purposely flirted with her because I was jealous. He's such an arsehole.

"It was nice talking to you all, I need to get back to work but I'll see you tomorrow." I told them.

They all waved to me and shouted their goodbyes, Harry stood up as I left.

"Thanks for yesterday Harry." I told him coolly, I handed him the banana and left.

I heard his 'friend' ask who I was but I wasn't turning around for anyone, I really needed to hide my emotions more.

But I just couldn't stop the tears falling down my cheeks.

I'd only known him for 28 hours and this is what he'd done to me.

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