Chapter 7: A New Feeling

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~*~Here is the long awaited and way over due chapter to Vanishing Sun. I hope you all enjoy it! Like I have said, I apologize its taken so long but my life is very busy right now. I will try to do better!

Please dont forget to vote, comment and like. I want to know how many people are still reading it and enjoying it and I wont know that unless you vote/comment/like! Enjoy!

Love always


Chapter 7

The next morning came too quickly, my dreams were filled with Jake’s face and I didn’t want that to end. Life seemed so much better when I was dreaming until I wake up. But as soon as my dreams begin, the sooner they end and I come back to reality. My dreams were cut short when I was awoken by Justin and Kate arguing loudly, then a loud bang made me jump up slightly. The sudden movement sent a sharp pain through my side, making me wince as I looked over to get my medicine. Only to see that my medication was no longer on my night stand beside my bed. I know I didn’t move them or put them anywhere, but I pulled the drawer out as I searched inside it. But the medicine was no where to be found.

As I began to slowly get out of bed, I heard Justin say my name in anger. I quietly walked over to the door and pressed my ear against the cold wood door.

”Billy is now on to us and watching our every move because of that little whiney bitch!” Justin yelled, angrily as I heard something hit the wall. I could only assume it was his fist that contacted with it.

“I know Justin.” Kate calmly spoke. “I’ve already taken her medication away. She can just stay in pain for all I care. But the only other thing we could do is lock her in her room day in and day out until school begins.”

“That’s not good enough. That punk, Jacob would tell Billy if he never got to see her again.” Justin stated. “I know what would fix everything. If I go up there and kill her right now.”

I gasped as my body filled with fear and my heart raced uncontrollably as my body shook. I knew he would kill me if he could get away with it.

“Justin, you can’t do that.” Kate said. “As much as I would like to see her dead and gone, you know we would automatically be accused of it. And I be damned if I am going to jail because of her!”

“I know. Your right.” He sighed. “We have to fix this, Kate. Even if I have to beat the living shit out of her, she needs to convince them that we are not harming her.”

“I agree.” Kate said to him. “We will have to be nice to her when people are around from now on, unfortunately.”

“Great.” Justin said sarcastically and sighed. “I don’t think I could be nice to her no matter what.”
“All of this is her damn fault! And I tell you what, if she thinks that she is just going to lay around on her ass all day in bed, then she’s got another thing coming to her! She is going to do work around here.” Kate announced angrily.

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