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Still Colleen's POV:
Meet and Greet fans took there seats as I disappeared back behind the curtains to resume into my own self again. I could almost feel my body pulsating as my blood pumps through my veins adding to my nerve and adrenaline. Every show was nerve wracking, but having the Meet and Greet before hand really helped me to gain some confidence of the type of people in the audience.

Before I knew it I walked out onto the old and chalky stage. My eyes immediately lit up and beamed scanning the huge crowd of an audience, screaming at the top of their lungs. I soon categorised them similarly to many of my shows, young girls, a few young boys, teens and a parent here and there, all looking up at me in excitement, craving my entertainment.

Straight away my eyes dart to the back of the room also, it's pretty dark back there so I can't comprehend if anyone's over there, so my eyes lean forward again to the front rows - my most eager fans.
After doing a few skits, slipping into my Miranda outfit and messing around with Rachel and Kory it was time to choose a member of the audience to do the 'Porn' skit. This was by far one of my favourite things to do in the show, as it involved the audience and made everyone cry with laughter. It consisted of picking on a member of the audience who would sit on stage, and judge them on their clothes, which were usually showing some skin, which Miranda would remark as "too PORN".

Once again my eyes scanned the audience, and immediately latched onto someone sat in the back row, however this time I could see the back of the audience. Maybe my eyes focused better after the crowd calmed down, or maybe the sun is just reflecting that direction. However I'm glad it did, my eyes glazed at a girl, singularly sat by herself completely isolated from any else at the back of the theatre. Her eyes entered mine into a deep hypnosis, even though she was so far away, her stare never left mine as she gave a slight smirk and a light blush. I could make out what she was wearing - her brunette waves draped elegantly across her tanned face, and onto a denim jacket. With this she wore a tank top underneath, paired with some black leggings. Her nutty dark eyes glistened in the light penetrating thought into mine, I then realised I'd been staring at her for way too long as I came to terms I couldn't pick her as there was nothing she wore which was explicitly showing skin. I pushed my eyes away from hers unwilling, even though I could still feel her pupils pulling into mine. Starting to panic I decided that this time I'd compare the individual against me, considering I was the official Miranda of course, and I couldn't keep my eyes on the audience any longer. Once again my eyes stroked back to hers and out gazes met again, and before I knew it, she was walking up the aisle onto the stage. Shit, did I really ask her to come on stage? I must have dazed into her hypnosis with extremity that I told her to unknowingly. Great.

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