Random Imagine n°1

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I watched the trees pass by me as I rode along in the 'Mystery Van'.
I was a host of a show called Anomaly Busters on Youtube Red and we were on our way to the famous Camp Crystal Lake to investigate the property to find out the infamous legend Jason Voorhees was true.

We soon reached the camp and as soon as we did, my stomach started churning. I was freaking out, even though I explored and spent the night at The Catacombs of Paris, spent the night at the Lizzie Borden house and many more paranormal and creepy places. However, I couldn't shake this feeling that we should turn back.

Putting my uneasiness aside, I jumped out of the van and called for one my camera men,
"Johnny!" I yelled as he started roaming around camp without a camera or telling anyone where he was going.

"Huh? Yeah, What's up, Boss?" He stuttered stupidly.

Johnny is my head camera man and Kenny's younger brother, I was forced to hire him because I needed an extra set of hands on the crew, but we all agreed if something weird were to happen, Johnny-boy here is our human sacrifice; the boy is a complete idiot to cut it short.

"You do know that you don't have a camera, right?" I asked him with my back to him as I unloaded the truck and passed the rest of the crew cameras and supplies.
After hearing no answer after a couple of seconds, I began to call out for him, but was cut off by an ear shattering scream coming from where Johnny was previously walking.

"Johnny!?" We all chorused together as we heard the blood curdling scream.

"Okay, Guys." I started, "I know this is stupid, but we should split up." I declared.

"WHAT?! Are you crazy, {Y/N}? Don't you know that's how people die in horror movies, right?" My paranormal engineer, Marcus exclaimed.
"I don't know about you guys, but I am going to find my brother." Kenny claimed as he stomped pass the tree line.

Soon enough, I persuaded the crew into splitting up into camp. I, however stayed put by the trucks with a couple of my crew members, Sara and Joseph, to be back up and get away drivers. This is usually how we record the show, so this is nothing new.
We gave everyone a camera and a walkie- talkie, then we split up.

After hours and hours of searching, no one came back with anything, so we decided to come back to the trucks and just look for Kenny and Johnny in the morning.
As the people were coming back, we got a buzz in from another engineer, Chrissy,
"G-guys?! Holy shit!" She screamed into the device.
"What's up, Chris?" Sara responded sitting on the edge of her seat.
Nothing was said, but we heard a series of screams and grunts, then complete silence.
"Joseph, bring up Chrissy's camera footage, so we can see where she is." I commanded shakily as I grabbed a walkie talkie, a flashlight and a camera.
"On it, Boss." He mumbled and tracked her down.
"It looks like she's by some kind if dock? Maybe a lake I'm not sure, but I definitely see water." He explained.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked and grabbed my arm, I shrugged her off and kept walking.
"To go find my friends." I responded

After for what seemed like hours of walking, I came to the dock to see the most gruesome thing ever.
All of my friends, with different limbs detached from their bodies, including heads. Blood poured from open wounds and cuts, and the smell of death wafted over my nose the longer I stayed. One question stood in my mind: "Who would've done this? Why would they do this?"

I was interrupted from my train of thought when I heard loud footsteps coming towards me, I then realized all my equipment was gone.

"What?!" I whispered to myself and patted my pockets for any kind of weapon to defend myself.

I looked up to the monster before me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing; there was six foot beast with brown muddy boots, a blood splattered dirty brown jacket and a ripped dark green shirt. The creepiest part about him was his cracked and dirty hockey mask and I immediately knew who it was,

"J-jason Voorhees?!" I stuttered stupidly as I step back from the slowly enclosing monster.
As a response the beast nodded and reached his hand towards me, but I backed away and shook my head.

"N-no!" I tried to run, but was stopped by an unexpected tree, Jason was walking slowly and it was kinda freaking me out. I stood there, frozen in fear as he came closer to me,
"L-look, I can leave and n-never come back, okay? Just let me leave." I negotiated with him, but he just shook his head no, charged at me and picked me up. I screamed in shock and mostly fear and thrashed around in his arms.

"L-let me go!" I begged as I saw a cabin come up in my view, I began to cry as I didn't know what my faith was, I sobbed as we came to a stop in what seemed to be a living room.
Jason pulled some rope and tied my wrists to the couch, he then chained my ankles to the ground.

"What do you want?" I asked in fear of what his answer was, he came close to my ear and whispered in a deep, raspy voice:


Hello, Beauties! This was a random oneshot from my Random Oneshots book. If you would like an imagine done or headcannon, inbox me or comment! I would love write for you!

Tanks for reading, My Lil Monsters! Bye! -Mrs.Voorhees. (Teja♡)

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