klance✧call me, beep me

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Call Me, Beep Me - by orphan_account
word count: 85.5k

(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?
(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?
(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?
(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy...
(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?
(00:45) What
(00:46) The
(00:46) Fuck???
(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!

where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there

Rate: 7 (possibly an 8)

Mature? No.

Opinions: Im always up for a good 'ol texting fic. here's the thing, though, i liked this fic. i really, truly loved how cute their relationship was and the texts were so freaking cute! i loved their reactions to their selfies and ugh such fluff(: Its also not JUST texting, which i appreciate. i can't stand anything more than when they only text and never meet. or the evil twin of that; when they meet and there's no writing, just a text conversation after. *shiver.* but anyways i would say my problem might be it was a tinsy but drawn out and the ending left me... unsatisfied? i don't really know why exactly but i wasn't content with it. also there's absolutely no smut fyi.

-texting klance
-mutual pining
-scheming hunk/pidge
-siblings shiro & keith
-shiro and lance and matt having a tennis game which i feel needs to be mentioned
-^ just another point to point out that happens before keith meets lance

//excerpt from chapter 1//

"(11:03) Have you seen my cat?

(11:05) Have I what?????

(11:10) Shit.

(11:10) Sorry.

(11:11) Was meant to message my neighbour, but my chat with you is still at the top of my messages and I just automatically clicked it.

(11:12) ...We haven't spoken for like two days and I'm still at the top of your messages archive?

(11:13) Don't take this the wrong way but...

(11:13) ...Do you have friends?

(11:15) How am I supposed to not take that the wrong way?

(11:15) There is literally no other way to take that

(11:18) True.

(11:19) But do you?

(11:20) Bye.

(11:21) Wait wait wait waittttt!!!!!

(11:22) What's happening with your cat? I'm highly invested now.

(11:30) Aw don't ignore me now!!!

(11:31) Alright I'm sorry for asking if you have any friends.

(11:32) But, in all fairness, you did pretty much ask me the same thing the other night.

(11:35) I did not.

(11:36) "(00:52) Don't you have friends to bother with this crap?"

(11:37) ...

(11:37) Point.

(11:40) I'm glad you're starting to see things my way.

(11:40) So...what's up with the cat?

(11:42) He's not my cat really. He's my brothers, but I'm supposed to be looking after him while he's at uni.

(11:43) You lost the cat didn't you?

(11:44) Not intentionally, but, yes. I lost him.

(11:46) H O W ?

(11:47) Cats are like the easiest pets in the world do look after. Next to, I dunno, a pet earthworm?

(11:49) Pet earthworm?

(11:49) I went through a Phase.

(11:50) Anyway, how'd you lose it?

(11:55) Like I said, it wasn't intentional. But, ah, well, I think I left my bedroom window open last night and he probably climbed out of it?

(11:56) Probably?

(11:57) Definitely.

(12:00) Don't worry about it so much, cats are always leaping out of things.

(12:03) But Muffin is a house cat. He's never really been outside before. What if he got hit by a car?

(12:04) Or attacked by a dog?

(12:05) Or kidnapped??

(12:20) Hello?"

(psttt if you didn't already realize just google '[ fanfiction title ] archive of our own' and it'll come up!)

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