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Breaking Brielle

Chapter Two

Not Edited

~ Brielle Clark's POV ~

After school I started my first shift at the diner. I had worked there during summers but nothing could prepare me for the storm of kids that showed up at 3 pm.

School let out at 2:30 and it was a 15 minute drive/ 30 minute walk to the diner so kids started showing up by 2:45. Faye, Margaret and Harper also worked at the diner so we all carpooled and had 15 minutes to get changed into our uniforms and eat something before our shift started.

The diner was my favorite part of Eastview. My grandparents bought it during the 60's and spent their entire lives building it up from the ground up. Most people thought the name, Miriam's, was named after my aunt but really, it's named after my great grandmother. She died giving birth to my grandmother so my grandmother named it after her as a memorial.

It hasn't changed much in the past 50 years. It still had that 60's vibe which I liked. We even had the whole 'roller skate' thing going on.

"C'mon girls. Start taking orders" Aunt Miriam came out of the kitchen, clapping her hands.

"Okay Mom. C'mon guys" Faye stood up and grabbed the order pads.

One thing I learned from the past 3 hours at the diner is that the summer crowd is much different than the fall crowd. In the summer, there was more of an older crowd. Grandparents with their young grandchildren, 40 year old couples etc. Sometimes you would see younger kids, probably in middle school, coming to get lunch with their allowances. A few couples would come for breakfast dates and alot of families would be here. It was really calm.

Now, the fall crowd was just groups of wild teenagers. It wasn't very easy skating my way around them but I finally made it to the corner booth where someone sat all by themselves.

"Hi! Would you like a menu?" I asked while staring down at my order pad.

"No" A familiar low voice said and I looked up to see Matt Preston, all by himself. "Just get me a number 4 with fries instead of a salad and a pepsi"

"Alright, Matthew! It'll be about 20 minutes. Sorry we're a bit packed today" I smiled politely at the top of his head.

His eyes snapped to mine at the sound of his name.


"Alrighty then" I smiled and skated off to put his order in.

"Here's your pepsi" I said 5 minutes later.

As I sat it on the table, a group of jocks came inside and one of them pushed their friend into me so I lost my balance.

"I'm so sorry" I gasped as I fell onto the floor next to Matthew.

The jocks barely paid me any attention and just continued walking to an empty table.

"Crap" I stuttered as my skate slipped out from under me as I tried to get up. It took me 3 minutes to finally stand up steadily on my skates and I hissed at the pain that shot through my knee.

"Ow" I mumbled.

I expected at least an 'are you okay?' from Matthew but when I looked towards him, he wasn't paying attention. He just kept his head in his book.

Matthew Preston was an interesting person. He's been here for three hours, just looking at his book. Sometimes he'd pick up a pen and draw something or take notes but then he would spend another 30 minutes just analyzing it.

The after school crowd finally started moving out so Faye, Margaret, Harper and I were just sitting around the diner waiting for someone to walk in.

"He does this everyday" Margaret whispered to me and I looked over at her with my eyebrows down. "Matthew"

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"Who knows?" Margaret shrugged.

"He seems lonely" I frowned.

"Don't Brielle. He enjoys being alone" Faye joined in.

"Nobody enjoys being alone all the time" I said.


"I'm going to say hello" I jumped up from my seat and skated over to him, ignoring Faye's protests.

"Hey!" I slid into the seat across from him.

"Hey" He replied gruffly, not taking his eyes off of his book.

"What're you reading?" I asked.

"Football plays"

"That's cool. I heard you were on the football team a few years ago" I smiled towards him, but he still didn't look up at me.


"You don't like to talk much, do you?" I asked but didn't receive a reply. "That's okay. You don't have to talk"

I was sitting there for 15 minutes before he decided to speak.

"What did your friends say to get you over here?" He asked.


"Usually people trick the freshman or new kids into coming to speak with me. Just wondering what they said to make you think it was okay to come over here" He looked up at me from behind his dark locks.

"Wow, that's the longest I've heard you talk" I grinned. "They didn't trick me into coming over here. They actually told me not to. But it looked like you were lonely"

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Nothing" I shrugged.

"Okay" His dull blue eyes stared at me for a few seconds before going back to his book.

"That looks like an older book" I commented and he sighed.

"It was my dad's. Then it was my brothers. Now it's mine"

"That's sweet" I smiled.

"It would be if I could use it properly" He mumbled.


"Nothing. Can I get my check?" He sat up suddenly making me jump.

"Of course! Give me a second!" I nodded and went to get his check ready.

"What happened?" Margaret asked as we watched Matthew's motorcycle leave the parking lot.

"We just talked" I answered.

"About what?" Faye asked.

"Just stuff" I grinned. "I told you it wasn't a bad idea to talk to him"

"Shut up" Faye rolled her eyes.

The rest of the shift went by quick. After we clocked out, we had some food at the diner and Faye drove everyone home. Aunt Miriam was staying behind to wait for the night shift workers to come take over. Our house was right next to the diner and I was tired so I just walked home instead of driving with the girls.

I made my way up to my room and popped some headphones in. I sifted through my spotify and settled on listening to some 3OH!3 and then started on my homework.

It was 11 when I finally finished all of it so I headed straight to bed when I finished.

Today was an interesting day... I just wish mom was here so we could talk about it...

a u t h o r s  n o t e

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