[17] Oikawa vs. The First Kiss

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The moment the whistle was on the referee's lips to call out the end of the match, I was already on my feet and scrambling to get out of there as fast as I could. The whole game, Toto wouldn't shut up; It was Tobio-Chan this, Tobio-Chan that. Even Iwaizumi-San was sick of it and offered to let me borrow his earbuds, but I shook my head at the offer and kept my mouth shut. The lack of reaction made it worse and he started with the threats again. I'll tell your dad this, I'll tell your mom that. Still, I kept quiet and made sure to have everything ready so I could sprint the second I could... but even after I made it out of the stands, it was like trying to shake off a piece of lint. He followed me after the game ended, dodging fans left and right while I tried to lose him on my way to find Kageyama. Iwaizumi stayed behind, not in the mood for old habits.

"Tomo-Chan, c'mon, let's talk!" he pleaded, right behind me now. I scowled and turned left, now in front of the bathrooms. I considered running into a girl's stall but I didn't have much time. Satisfied now that I was cornered, Oikawa grinned and put both arms against the wall to keep me from moving. I tilted my head up and glared at him.

"I'm taking care of you, Tomo," he said again like the many times he did on the stands, "Tobio-Chan is mean, he is selfish is going to make you cry. You won't be able to handle it when it happens, I promise!"

"Why can't you let me make my own choices?" I pressed, jabbing a finger in his chest.

He smirked and flipped his hair back, as though the answer was obvious. "When I told you not to move back in with your mom and you didn't listen, remember how badly she treated you?"

I closed my mouth, recalling exactly what he was talking about. Back in seventh grade, during the custody dispute, I opted to live with her for about six months, despite the discouragement from practically everyone. Even Iwaizumi told me that it would be a bad idea; she gave him the creeps. Still, I went to the small apartment she lived in and dealt with her for six long, painful months. She was abusive: mentally, physically, verbally. The judge said it was on account of her abuse from when I was younger that I was the nervous wreck I am now, and after realizing that she couldn't be fit for a mom, Dad easily won full custody.

"Yes." I muttered, losing my courage to look him in the eye.

"This isn't any different, Katsu. Go back to sitting in a classroom. It's better for you."

"Oi, Tomo, we're waiting for you."

I peeked from underneath Oikawa's arm to where the voice had come from. Kageyama and Hinata were standing at the end of the hallway with their arms crossed, clearly not in the mood for any more time wasting. Oikawa smirked when he heard Kageyama call for, not even bothering to look over at him. Instead, he pushed himself off the wall and bent down to look me in the eye, smiling wide. I knew he was at his limit; he hated asking more than once for anything.

"Tomo..." he whispered, practically brushing his nose against mine. I held my breath. "Stop being stupid."

I didn't respond. He didn't expect me to, because he let out a short, amused chuckle and casually put his hands in his pockets after ruffling my hair, finally turning away. I watched him saunter over to the duo and give Hinata a peace sign, greeting him with the usual 'Chibi-Chan' before he suddenly, abruptly, snapped and rammed Kageyama against the vending machine beside them, making it crash against the wall with a loud clang. Kageyama grunted as his back hit the steel, hissing a 'fuck' under his breath.

"You better listen to me, Tobio-Chan," he snickered, holding him by the front of his jersey. My eyes went wide and I panicked to try and get in between them, using one hand to try and pry Oikawa's fist open while Hinata tried pulling me back with other. Kageyama stared him down, somehow holding the front of Oikawa's shirt in the same way.

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