[21] You Can Call Me Tobio

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I wasn't sure how I managed, but the notes I had jotted down after watching Toto play for about the seventeenth time were something I was really proud of. Using only a spare pen and balancing the notepad to keep it off of Kageyama's head might have been annoying the first few minutes, but since Kageyama hadn't moved from my lap and didn't seem like he was going to anytime soon, he offered his forearm and we'd made do. Honestly, I was shocked that we stayed still for so long. I didn't know how long, actually, until I checked my phone and read the time.

12:14 AM

"Kageyama, you have a match tomorrow," I put the notepad to the side and let myself stretch, moving the lower half of my body the least possible. Kageyama stirred from the state he'd fallen into after watching the game so long and slowly got up, scratching his head with a yawn. I rubbed my legs to get some feeling in them again.

"I'll go shower," he mumbled, reaching down to pull his jersey over his head. I snatched the nearby pillow and threw it at him, panicking when he started to undress in the middle of the living room.

Kageyama managed to scramble out of the way just in time. "Oi!'

I put both hands over my eyes, throwing my nose up in the air.

"Take your clothes off in the shower," I told him, waving a finger in his direction while I kept my eyes shut. I heard him snicker and he took hold of the hand I had outstretched, dragging me around his house without giving me a chance to fix the living room up. I hoped his parents didn't mind the minor mess if they got there before I did.

Leading me to a room in the upstairs part of his house, Kageyama nudged his head to the door before nodding to another room across the hall.

"You can wait here in my room," he opened the first door, "while I shower."

I smiled as he stepped inside, watching as he went over to move some manga off his bed. His room was simple, something I expected. It was shockingly clean. At the foot of his bed, I saw two piles of manga, and the shelf on the wall held a few framed awards and certificates from volleyball. His school uniform was neatly hung on a hook, a pair of weights and workout mat waited in the corner and his desk seemed... untouched. I smiled at how his room reflected his character and shuffled over to take a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit," he said. I nodded and he pointed to the pile of books. "You can read while you're waiting."

"Thanks, I will," I assured him. He stood at the doorway, waiting for me to do something and I picked up the first book on the second stack, making him nod and turn around and walk out of his room. I didn't really find myself confident enough to make myself comfortable until I heard the water start to run, and when I did, I let myself fall back onto his bed and flipped open the book to page one. I tried to ignore the scent his pillow had, it smelled so much like him. If he walked in on me burying my face into his covers, I didn't even want to think of how I could begin to explain myself.

I buried myself into the book, reading so deeply about whoever this One Punch Man was and about his robotic side-kick. Saitama was in the middle of telling Genos to shut up, and because I was finding it so funny, I didn't hear the water stop, and I definitely didn't hear Kageyama walk back in.

I laughed as Genos pointed at his sensei's baldness.

"That's one of my favorites."

I looked up, mouth open and ready to apologize for taking it even though he had told me to in the first place, but the words died on my lips. Kageyama was at the doorway in his shorts, just his shorts, dripping in water. The steam from the shower started to drift in behind him and I swore his abs were a lot... firmer... than the first time I had managed to catch a glance at them a while ago.

He scratched his ear, nudging his chin towards the manga I was holding. I tried shutting my mouth and sat up.

"Its..." he ran a hand through his wet hair and I chose to look at his uniform on the wall, "It's funny."

Kageyama nodded, either not noticing my behavior or choosing to avoid questioning it.

"Do you want to wear something else to sleep?" he asked me, walking over and pulling out the drawers underneath the bed. I glanced over the edge and watched him pull out a spare set of practice shorts and one of his old practice jerseys from Kitagawa Daiichi. "I think I have some spare clothes you can use, these should fit."

He stretched his clothes out and I took them, thanking him before hurrying off to the bathroom to put it on; I wasn't about to wrinkle my uniform for tomorrow. The shorts fit me fine, if anything, the shirt was a little long on me, hiding the shorts completely. On my way back to the room, I tried tugging them down but it didn't do much at all.

"These are really comfy, thanks—"

I widened my eyes when Kageyama abruptly slapped his hand over his nose, eyes wide the moment I stepped back into the room. I stayed still while he pulled himself together, unsure as to what triggered his sudden nosebleed.

"You can take the bed."

I raised an eyebrow as he straightened up, patting his mattress. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"No," I shook my head putting a hand on my hip, "you need the bed, you have the game."

Kageyama rolled his eyes, pulling out a spare blanket and laying it on the floor before turning to pat the mattress again.

"Tomo, don't start being stubborn—"

I took a step forward, looking up at him now.

"Don't argue with me, Kageyama."

I think he tried pushing me onto the bed by putting his hands on my shoulders, or at least he tried to get me to sit, but I didn't realize how close the bed was to my ankles and I felt myself fall over, pulling Kageyama down with me. We stared at each other the moment we landed on the bed; I looked up at him and he looked down at me. His hands had migrated above my head, which gave him support to hover above me, close enough to have our nose graze slightly.

I suddenly remembered the kiss by the vending machines and we both leaned in, this time, more eager than before. More confident than before. I could feel his rush, and I was giving him every green light I could—my hands were somehow in his hair now, now dripping water too. One of us shivered. I thought he was hungry, the way he nibbled at my lips. I pushed back, I made sure to show him how I didn't care about the bruises my lips could have tomorrow, because for once, I was enjoying the moment without worrying about tomorrow. This was different, and it was familiar all at the same time. One of his hands was at my waist. I felt my leg start to raise, brushing against his side. I didn't know who was in control, but I let myself react how I thought was natural. I thought I heard a low, deep growl that came from Kageyama the second I let my hand slowly migrate down his bare back and I tensed. He pulled back hesitantly and I almost let out a small, disapproving whine.

"You... you can say Tobio...' he breathed against my lips. I couldn't help the smile and I managed to take in enough air to respond back.

"Then you can... say Katsu..."

I felt him chuckle and he dipped down to meet my lips again.




As long as I'm here, you're invincible.

Kageyama's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang