[5] Team to the Rescue

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This was not where I belonged. My hands shook as my fingers flew to dial Kageyama's number and make it's way up the team contact list on my phone until I reached the epitome of couldn't-care-less himself, who was miraculously the only one who answered after fifteen times of trying each member.

His voice was groggy at the other end but I didn't expect anything else at three in the morning.

"What the fuck... do you want?" Tsukishima grumbled, poorly hiding his yawn. My voice froze for a moment as another shadow flickered through my room, managing only a whimper. I could hear some scuffling on the line, then a quick handoff before finally the comforting and familiar sound I'd been looking for to settle my nerves.

"What time is it?" Kageyama asked so sleepily that I could already imagine him speaking with his eyes still closed.

"It's three in the fucking morning and your girlfriend's lost it," Tsukishima answered in the background, "now give me back my--"

There was suddenly more grumbling and the phone was snatched and taken by another now awake member.

"Oi, stop prank calling or I'll chew you up and spit you out," Tanaka growled. My breath hitched after hearing the loaded threat but when another branch hit the window, I gasped loudly enough for my voice to finally be recognized on speaker.

A murmured wave of voices was heard then. "...Tomo?"

"G-Guys, there's something outside my r-room..." I whimpered. My hands clutched the phone tightly. I waited in silence for anybody to say something to deny my suspicions of the building being haunted by a raving lunatic but all I got was Tsukishima hanging up as Kageyama tried to take the phone back. I froze in my spot and refused to move when I went back to being stuck alone in the room, eyes clenched shut. I was so focused on making sure that nothing came through my window that I didn't even notice when I started to doze off and much less noticed the thumping going on in the hall outside, which slowed down and eventually stopped right outside my door. I fell asleep sitting up next to the window and failed to keep my senses alert.


It was nearly 6'o'clock when my alarm went off, startling me enough to make my head hit the windowsill with a heavy and pain filled groan. The morning light peeped in from the thin curtains and it wasn't until I'd recollected myself that I remembered where I was and the horror I went through the night before. Now that there wasn't a shadow in sight, I felt stupid for calling the boys so late at night and hurried to get dressed to make them breakfast, then get them ready for the gym.

I slipped on some shorts and a simple tee, lazily pulled on some socks, yanked open the bedroom door and tripped on Hinata, who was on the floor tangled up in blankets in between Kageyama and Suga. I stumbled to catch myself before falling on the other members who were sleeping on the floor and stared, bewildered at the sight of the team in front of my room.

Hinata, who only flinched after I nearly stepped on him, kicked Kageyama's side in his sleep and I watched with wide eyes as he woke him up, earning him a punch to the gut that led to a wrestling match which woke everyone up. It wasn't until Sawamura-Kun lifted Nishinoya up --who looked a lot smaller without his hair spiked up-- by his collar did everyone pause to see what was going on.

"Oi, who wants to fight--" Tanaka instantly closed his lips once Suga glared at him.

I blinked. "What are you guys doing on the floor?"

A hand shot up and yanked back a fistful of orange hair to prevent Hinata from answering first.

"You were the one that said there was something outside your room," Kageyama said, almost defensively. I smiled fondly at the realization that they did this for me and shook my head, hands on my hips.

"So you all slept on the floor?" I pressed as Asahi tried to untangle himself from the several blankets he was wrapped in.

"No, not all of them," the usual snarky voice corrected behind me, "I couldn't be bothered."

Hinata raised a fist at Tsukishima who was stepping out of the bathrooms with a towel flung over his shoulder, practically radiating his immense pleasure over how content he was with his decision on not joining the others. Kageyama narrowed his eyes and snaked a hand up his shirt to scratch his back, holding back a yawn.

"And Asahi was almost too scared to come with," Nishinoya chirped. Immediately, Asahi-San's face turned red and he spun to face the libero, stumbling over his words to deny and defend himself.

"I guess you're destined to sleep alone forever, huh, Tsukishima?" Tanaka snickered. Hinata and Kageyama snorted but the King of Sass wasn't about to be outdone. With a push of his glasses, Tsukishima raised a brow and shrugged.

"I guess I would be learning from you, as my senpai, how to sleep with no one."


"Up, down."


"Up, down."

Flip. Flip.


I followed closely behind my dad as he timed everyone on their machines, eyes wide as I watched everyone struggling to max their weights. Even though today was only the first day, dad hadn't been gentle and started everyone off with bench presses and pull-ups, which was starting to kill them slowly. I alternated between scribbling down their numbers and fixing their new review guides. It was mostly silent in the gym, ignoring my page flipping, dad's shouts, and everyone's grunts.

"Rest," Dad called out after glaring at Tsukishima until he did the last few sets he'd refused to do. The weights and bars were dropped on the floor with loud, echoing thuds and I hurried over to start handing out the waters. Luckily for all of us, my dad knew how to use force without lifting a finger and there hadn't been any refusals in following his training regime.

As I snatched the bottles from the fridge, I glanced at the clock and sighed in relief. Only a few minutes more before they could get ready to head to the court.

The coldest water bottle was starting to sting against my fingers, numbing my touch momentarily before the pain settled in. My eyes instinctively searched for Kageyama and I hurried to hand it to him, wiping my palms down once it was out of my grasp. He raised a brow at me but chugged it anyways, wiping off the beads of sweat dripping down the sides of his face. For having just benched his own weight, he seemed a lot less tired than I expected, but then again, he conditioned himself for volleyball on his own time (instead of studying, but that was beside the current point).

"Are your hands sweaty again?" Kageyama asked me after a moment. I pursed my lips and added another set of math problems to his review.


Hey guys, quick A/N! Please check the last chapter of the first book to my Haikyuu Series, it has something important I want you all to see!

Thank you so much for your funny comments!

Follow me on Snapchat! @ fxrnvndxx


As long as I'm here, you're invincible.

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