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Whilst the screams and protests of bedtime were soon lulled into peaceful sleep, I kept myself busy from the never ending fatigue by serving the stew into two bowls and breaking some of the fresh bread for when Alfie returns downstairs imminently.

Placing the bowls down, I quickly grab my swollen stomach with one hand and the edge of the table tightly with the other as a sharp pain rips through me. Gasping, I hunch over in hopes of lessening the pain as I grit my teeth trying to ride through it.

"Ella?" I hear a the worried voice of my husband as he rushes from the door way to my side.
Gasping again at another flourish of pain I grab onto Alfie's rough hand for support as he slowly lowers me into a chair at the table.
"I'm fine," I grit out, my eyes squeezed shut as I try not to wake the children with any cries of agony.
"Fücking ridiculous!" Alfie grunts as he kneels in front of me on the floor, taking a little more time than others his age due to his poor leg. "If you're fine then I'm bloody Jesus!" We both smirk at him as I hold onto his hand even tighter and lean forward, burying my head in the crook of his neck as I wait for the pain to subside.

After a few long minuets of holding onto Alfie, the pain eventually lessened. Taking a deep breath, I sit up slightly and lick my parched lips as my loving husband brushed some loose hair from my face so that he can see me.
"False alarm?" I try to joke and he pulls me in for a small hug, rubbing my back gently.
"You're going to give me a fücking heart attack love," he says whist standing, leaning heavily on the kitchen table for support as he pulls himself up
"Alfie..." I gently trail off as I watch him struggle.
"I'm fine woman!" He snaps as he stands above me. His eyes softening immediately afterwards in apology.

Gently taking my hands he helps me to pull myself onto my feet. Placing a kiss on my forehead he begins leading me out of the kitchen,
"Sorry to tell you love, but you look fücking knackered," he chuckles as I follow him out the room.
"Should I take that as a compliment?" I joke as we ascend the stairs and pass the children's room to our own.
"Get changed and I'll be back," he orders with a sweet kiss on my lips.
"Yes sir," I mock salute. A glare my only response as he disappears back down stairs.

It takes me a little while to pull off my blouse and skirts and then crawl into bed, not bothering with any nightgown. The clothing during the night make me feel trapped, especially when I'm carrying, so I might as well not put any on as they will be removed later.

"There she is," Alfie smirks as he closes the bedroom door with his hip before walking over and handing a bowl of lukewarm stew to me.
"Thank you darling," I smile as I watch him strip from his work clothes and climb in beside me so that I can rest my head on his shoulder and back on his chest.
Taking the bowl from my lap, Alfie holds it in front of him before taking a spoon full and feeding me.
"Compliments to the chef, if I do say so myself," I drowsily stutter as my fatigue begins pulling at my eye lids.
A hum the only response from Alfie as he takes a spoonful himself from my bowl.

"Met this amazing man last week," He mutters away to himself. Feeding myself a spoonful before himself of the slaty stew.
"Amazing man, amazing... but crazier than the wallops that one," we both chuckle at his words.
"Strolled right through those doors of our bakery and told me I was loosin' the war,"
I turn to smile at him as he places the bowl on the beside table and grabs some of the leftover bread. I take it from his hands and break a peace off, placing it in his mouth as I speak,
"I'm assuming he got my telegram saying hello," I snicker as I push some bread into my own mouth.
"Well he ain't taking us seriously mate," he grumbles as I place another bit of bread in his gob to try and stop him complaining.
He'd already told me about his meeting with a certain Mr. Shelby but he's obviously been mulling it over in his head.

"Mate? I ain't your mate Mr.Solomons," I pout
"I should hope not love," he smirks, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as I eat the last of the cooked dough and brush away some of the crumbs from the bedsheets with my hands.

Alfie Solomons- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now