"No problem. You're welcome anytime." I walked out the door after saying I love you to her and hopped in my car, ready to go back and face Nash. Hopefully.

~~~skip to when she gets home~~~
I pulled up to my drive way and could already tell that everyone was over at Nash's, just from the ruckus. That and the fact that I could see Carter and Matthew throwing a football around in his front yard.

I sighed and hopped out while pulling my hoodie over my head, not wanting anyone to see me yet. I'm not even sure if they knew about the breakup yet.

I knew my cover was blown when I heard Carters voice yell, "Y/n?" I turned and faked a smile. Immediately, he dropped the ball and ran over to me, with Matthew following right on his heels.

I was immediately engulfed in a hug. "Where the hell did you go?! We were really worried about you." Carter said. I didn't say anything and just hugged them back as tight as I could, feeling comfort in their arms.

"We all found out about what happened with Nash and I told him how it's my fault and he knows that, but he says he's still hurt, He was worried the most," Matthew explained as we let go from the hug.

A spark of hope lit up in my heart. "He was worried?"

"He-never mind. Just talk to him," Carter said with a smile. I smiled back and began to walk off towards Nash's house, but was stopped by Matthew shouting after me.

"Next time, don't just take off. Stay with one of us or at least let us know where you're going." I smiled back and nodded, since I was now in a good mood after finding out me and Nash still had a shot.

I knocked on the door and Hayes opened up, who greeted me in the same way Matt and Carter did: with a hug.

Pretty soon the rest of the guys who were in the living room noticed I was here and greeted me as well.I quickly explained and then asked, "Where's Nash, I need to talk to him." Their faces immediately dropped.

I then heard his voice in the kitchen and my question was answered. I was walking through when I heard their voice behind me saying things like, "No...don't...I wouldn't." I went in anyways. I saw Nash and a pretty girl with dark hair and big lips.

It caught me off guard, but I continued my mission. "Nash, we should talk." His back was facing me as he stood over the sink, but when he heard my voice he turned around. I could see plenty of hurt and worry and anger in his eyes.

He rushed over to me and frantically spoke, "Where were you?" It seemed like he wanted to hug me, to comfort me, but held himself back.

"I just stayed at my cousin's house for a while," I said. I didn't bother to say why I left, knowing he knew why all to well. We were quiet for a second, not knowing what to say or how to break the awkward silence.

"You shouldn't take off like that," he said before turning around and walking back towards Madison, facing his back towards me again. He was still mad. And I understand why.

I sighed and turned around on my heel, back into the living room. Simply talking to him wasn't gonna work. But no matter what, I was gonna get him back.

I had my hand on the doorknob and stood with my back facing the guys, "Jack and Jack...come with me."

I didn't wait and just walked back home, knowing they'd come right after me.

I got through my door and immediately shut it after they came in. "I need your help."
~~~the next day~~~

It was Friday, so it was time to pick up Y/c/n from the airport. For once, I was happy to wake up.

By Chance~Nash GrierWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt