Chapter 34: The vampire of Emerald City

Start from the beginning

"Now then," Grigori begins and beckons us to have a seat in front of his enormous oak desk. Kenji sits but Sophie defiantly stands behind the carved, antique chair. I'm unsure whether to sit or stand but after one look of Grigori's contemptuous glare, I hastily sit down. "What is it that you require of me?"

"Sophie wishes to seek advice from you," Kenji says after a moment of tense silence. "I'm sure you've heard of what has happened."

"I have," Grigori drawls, examining his sharp fingernails in a bored manner. "Tyler's guardian, Colby, has contacted me and he's determined to get his just retribution for the murder of his ward."

My heart sinks. Judging by the tone of his voice and body language, it seems clear that he is completely indifferent to Sophie's plight.

"I don't know why you thought it would be wise to come to me for help," Grigori continues. "but you must know that there's nothing I can do. The law is the law, I hope you remember? You either abide by them or you perish. But of course, you were never the law-abiding type."

"That's not fair!" I blurt out angrily, jumping to my feet.

All three vampires stare in disbelief. Sophie gives me a shut-up-now kind of look and Kenji blinks fast, his mouth slightly open. Grigori is first to recover though, disdainful eyes locked on me.

"What is not fair, human?" he asks softly but I can detect the iciness behind it.

"Sophie only killed him in self-defense! He was trying to rape her and killing him was the only way to stop him. She had no choice!" I say angrily, disregarding the small shakes of Sophie's head as I continue: "If you tell that person's guardian about it, I'm sure he'll understand."

Grigori snorts with laughter and it pierces me like an arrow to the heart. "And this is why humans can never understand our ways of life," he scoffs, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "In order for us to survive in this world, we must obey the rules set for us. Without order, we'd been obliterated centuries ago. Sophia's case is not the first one that has come to light. We deal with all cases such as this the same way we have donw since we established the laws." He rises from his seat and faces the surveillance screens, his hands behind his back. "Sophia will face her punishment once Colby and his men arrive."

"But!" I raise my voice in exasperation. "She doesn't have to die for simply protecting herself!" Angry tears are threatening to cascade down my cheeks. My heart is hammering in my chest and heat is slowly consuming me, not from anxiety but from the injustice of it all.

"It's OK,"

I whip around. Sophie's clutching the back of the chair, her claws making indents in the polished wood. She's trying to keep the shakes at bay but failing. I want nothing more than to hug her right now but I know she wouldn't allow it. Her pride depends on it.

"I knew that you wouldn't be able to help me. Perhaps deep down you just don't want to," she says quietly, her voice breaking. "I know that the laws that have been around for centuries are not gonna be changed for someone like me," She takes a deep shuddering breath. "That's not why I'm here."

"Oh?" Grigori raises an eyebrow, mild amusement crossing his face. "And here I thought you'd be begging me to change it."

Sophie shakes her head. "That's never gonna happen. I'm here to get my last wish."

Grigori frowns. "Oh, that," he mutters disdainfully.

"That's right," Sophie says, more confidently and more true to herself than she had been earlier. "Every vampire that's about to receive the death sentence has the right to contact its guardian and get their last wish granted."

Grigori's frown deepens. "That's correct but you should know that a guardian cannot prevent the sentence, even if said guardian is an Elder."

"I know all about it," Sophie snaps impatiently. "That's not my last wish anyway."

Grigori sighs irritably. "Very well," he concedes. "What is it then?"

"Only the guardian and the ward are supposed to know," Sophie points out, looking meaningfully at me and Kenji.

"I know," Kenji says, a grin playing on his lips. "We'll wait outside. Come on, Leia."

He gently takes my arm and steers me outside as I stare dumbfounded at the two remaining vampires. I'm very confused. Did Sophie just say that the sole purpose of this trip was to get her last wish granted? I thought we'd be pleading her case, make Grigori see that Sophie hadn't meant killing that other vampire. It, somehow, makes everything that we've been through a total waste of time.

"What the hell?" I say quietly when Kenji opens the door to where the vampire guards and secretary are still sitting.

"It's a private matter," Kenji explains softly, leading me back to the velvet sofa. "We're not supposed to know."

"That's not what I meant!" I snap furiously. I pace around the sofa, running my fingers through my hair. When that doesn't calm me, I begin biting my nails. "I mean, is this it? We can't do anything?"

"No, I'm afraid so," Kenji sighs deeply. "We can't bend the rules in favour of Sophie. The law is the law."

"Well, your law is fucking stupid!" I shout, throwing my arm up in frustration. I ignore the annoyed stare from the secretary. "It's not fair and she deserves a just trial! If she were tried in a normal, human court, she would get off easily!"

"That's the thing," Kenji chuckles weakly yet his eyes are sad. "We're not exactly part of your normal world."

His statement does nothing to quell my unease and frustration. I want to shake him, shake some sense into him. I want to throw stuff, to break them. But there's nothing handy around and I'm not going anywhere near the reception desk, even though I desire nothing much than to scream at them or even attempt to hurt them. Anything to make them change their ancient, stupid rule. But I can't and the helplessness seems to deflate my anger. I slump on the sofa, next to Kenji.

"There's really nothing we can do?" I whimper, gripping my elbow to stop the oncoming trembles that are reaching its boiling point within me.

Kenji wraps his arm around me and I feel oddly warm, despite his cold skin. "I'm sorry," he says.

I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my jaw, forcing myself not to cry. I need to be strong now. Not for myself but for Sophie. She's the one who needs it most of all.

The doors open again and Sophie and Grigori step out. Sophie looks grim, her eyes downcast but I can faintly see a triumphant grin twitch on her lips.

"You are to await in the holding cell until Colby arrives," Grigori instructs her and she gives him a curt nod.

The guards finally move and situate themselves on each side of Sophie. She glares at them but makes no attempts to move or otherwise flee.

"You two as well," Grigori barks at us. "Mr. Yamasaki, I hope you're ready to deal with your punishment for being the doomed's accomplice?"

Kenji nods stiffly. "I am," he says casually, like they're not discussing punishments but the weather.

"What about me?" I inquire, looking from Grigori to Sophie. She gives me a sad smile.

"I have not decided your sentence yet," Grigori drawls. "I might even let you choose: My staff or the ghouls."

One of the guards grabs my arm and I shriek, yanking it away. I back away from them until I bump into Kenji's chest whose strong arm ensnare my waist. I look up, terrified.

"I'm sorry," he says again, full of remorse.

This can't be happening!

I open my mouth to scream but suddenly I feel a sharp blow at the back of my neck and everything shuts down.

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