Chapter 24: Carry on waywards

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The wind is chilly as it breezes through the half open car window and it tickles the nape of my neck. I scratch my shoulders absent-mindedly as strings of cut hair sting into my skin.

„The new hair cut suits you, Leia," Sophie remarks with a grin. „Let's just try to keep blood away from it from now on."

I scowl and brush my fingers through my short, unruly hair. I hate to admit it, but Sophie did a good job salvaging it from my hysteric mess. My hair is now up to my chin but in layers so it forms a fuzzy bob on the top of my head.

We're on the road again and for the first time, I'm thankful of that. I couldn't stay at that place another minute. I had stayed in our cabin while Sophie went and grabbed a couple of stuff to eat from the pantry. I didn't ask her if she took care of the bodies in there and in truth, I didn't want to know. In any case, Sophie didn't mention it when she returned with the supplies. She suggested that we should take all of our old, bloodied clothes and bury them behind the cabin. I was too shellshocked to do much to help but Sophie didn't complain and did all of the work herself. She is even behind the wheel and I can't tell if she's as exhausted as I am. My eyelids are heavy as I struggle to keep myself awake.

„It's okay," Sophie says quietly.

I look over to her. It's weird seeing how clean she looks. She had been covered in dirt and blood when she consoled me and cut my hair but had decided on taking a shower before we left. Her black hair with the crimson hombre tips was held back from her face with a clip she found in the bathroom.

„You can have some shut-eye while I drive for a couple of hours," she says, her eyes on the road, though they occasionally glance at me with a hint of concern.

„No, I'm alright," I mumble, rubbing my eyes tiredly and stifling a yawn.

„Just go to sleep!" Sophie shoots back irritably. „You're exhausted and I don't want you to sleep on the wheel when it's your turn to drive!"

I manage a small, weak smile. There's the snarky Sophie I've known all these years. With a huge yawn, I nod and decline my seat so that I can lie down. The darkness of slumber hits me like a thick, woolen veil.

It's not a pleasant slumber though. I'm haunted by nightmarish scenes from what happened earlier that night and my mind manages to twist it to such horror that my eyes snap open and I'm drenched in cold sweat.

„Bad dreams?" Sophie asks.

„Y-yes," I stammer, my heart hammering in my chest. I wrap my thick cardigan closer around me but I can feel the shivers approaching.

„Here," Sophie hands me a bottle of water. „Drink this."

I take a few swigs of water and the coldness of the liquid helps me wake up properly. It doesn't stop the shivers though.

„I would offer you booze if I had one," Sophie continues. „But it probably wouldn't be wise if you're driving the last miles."

She grins and I return the bottle with a weak grin of my own. „It wouldn't matter because I don't drink," I point out dryly.

Sophie frowns at me and says: „You're missing out. Booze is a great de-stresser."

I want to mention that alcohol and my mental problems are probably not a good cocktail but I'm not in the mood for pointless arguments so I just shrug apathetically.

„It's just as well that you're up," Sophie says. „It's almost sunrise, I can feel it."

As she pulls off at the side of the road, I notice that the previous pitch black sky is slowly turning violet blue. The clock in the car states it's almost five thirty. Damn, I managed another two hour sleep. I can't keep doing this to my own wellbeing but who knows when I'll be able to get a decent amount of sleep. Sophie grabs the map from the gloves compartment, opens it and spreads it out in front of us.

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