Chapter 9: First Death

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We went to the next room 5 Ghosts 1 Skeleton "[Combostar]" he didn't have to say the name of the skill to activate it but it probably wanted me to know what he was using, suddenly before the Zombie could move appeared before one and uppercutted it

Then in less than a second went appeared infront of the next Ghost "[IceSpear]" I spear of Ice appeared in his hand and he shoved it through the ghosts stomach it burst and disappeared

Another Ghost was charging [Thunder] and the other was charging [Fireball] "[Sixthsense]" he charged [Iceball] 5 times in 2 seconds and then shot them at the one charging [Thunder] since that skill can't be dodged

Then when [Fireball] was falling toward him he created one himself and crashed it into the one falling toward him "[StrongBody]" he flashed white and had a transparent blue shield wrapped around his body

The explosion knocked everyone but him back all the leftover Ghost disappeared after that explosion, in less then a minute he cleared the whole room and used his enemies skill against them to get an instant victory

"Dude that was awesome" I was yelling running up to him like an excited child (though I am around a week old so I guess I am a child) "like that well you'll get even more amazing skill besides those soon the skill I relied on the most was [Combostar] it automatically loads skills in a specific way into a combo to effectively defeat your opponents"

So it'd kinda like an automatic-battle-mode, that's one of the first skills I'm getting when I'm intermediate level "you're taking on the next room" he made me go into the room alone I had 6 Ghosts to deal with I loaded [Fireshot] beforehand but it only knocked one of them down

Another one fired a huge fireball I managed to jump out of the blast radius, then I was it with what felt like a bolt of lightning and it pierced my heart I threw a 3 tiny ice balls at it and killed it, and I even got a level up

But a bunch of Thunder blasts started raining down out of nowhere, another fireball was in the air and coming straight towards me then right before I could run another Ghost started hitting me from behind with ice balls stunning me well the Ghost infront of me started charging [FireShot] I was fucked

I was hit with 3 ice balls then caught in a huge explosion of fire my soul body already left me and I was burnt up then I got my chest pierced through with a spear of ice "before you go would you like to join my party?" I replied "yes" to the faint voice as I lost consciousness

"[Boy or Girl] this again I'll just become a girl for this run it's not like it makes that much of a difference, I was given a look at my male body it had black hair covering one eye a black tattoo under my left eye, and I also had red eyes next to it was a female body She had long blonde hair and hair covering my right eye again with blue eyes this time and the same tattoo the only difference between them was the hair length eye color and the brest I'm guessing they're a C-cup

They even had the same black tattoo and also my muscular figure was changed to be more feminine it was also strange that the armor  changed it's shape to match my new body's shape I chose the name Taylor because it was androgynous its a name that could be for a male or female I was thrust into the soul stream after waiting I don't know how long atleast I got  [LifeFlare] 

Just like before I was kicked off into the abyss, I landed in the middle of  Bullmar the town I was in before I went to the dungeon "you buddy finally got reborn huh" I heard Jordyns voice in my head, how do I reply back "you're probably wondering why you can hear me well when you said yes to being in my party the world recognized us as partners so we can tell where eachother are just by thinking of the other I'll explain the details later for now just meet me by the entrance to The Reckless Crypt"

After he found me he told me all about the party system it was weird but I got the hang of it cool Jordyn took awhile to get here though "can you talk to the male instructor in that building" he pointed to a brick building in the middle of town "there's a instructor there that gives out several quests I want you to complete them all and tell me when you do with a telepathic message I heard a rumor that a new dungeon has been made on the higher plane up only high level Millenians can reach that plane of existence" 

Different planes of existence? that's a new one well I might aswell listen to him, I went and complete almost all the quest however there was one that required me to beat the Crypt alone however the skill was [LimitBreak] one of the most powerful skills in the beginner skill class, it breaks the barrier between you and the next class forcibly evolving your skills so they're 3x more effective

I could kill a Ghost with only one ice ball and create a bunch of force with [Windmill] not enough as Jordyn but still close and then when I advance a class I could break the barrier between intermediate and advanced and so on 

Though it only works for 1 minute and you can't use any skills for an hour after that but still I could finish a fight with that Golem in less then a minute with that kind of power, ugh what should I do it's been days and I haven't heard any word from Jordyn and he won't reply

            What's going on did he die?......

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