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Wanda's red magic was focused in a ball between her fingers.

Pietro moved to stand by her side.

I moved to stand behind Vision with a growl.

"Vision, that's enough. Let him go, we're leaving," she told Vision firmly.

"I can't let you," Vision told her.

I snarled from behind him.

"I'm sorry," Wanda told him as her magic ball expanded, moving faster and more dangerously than before.

Clint phased through Vision's arm, slumping to the floor as Vision was slowly forced to the floor.

I ran and snatched Clint in my jaws and ran over to Wanda's other side.

The floor started to crack beneath Vision, "If you do this... they will never stop being afraid of you." Vision told her.

I saw Pietro's face twist into pure anger.

I set Clint on his feet and picked up Pietro before he could try to attack Vision. He thrashed in my grip spitting curses in his native language.

"I can't control their fear, only my own," Wanda sounded confident, not very remorseful in her next action, which was sending Vision through the floor.

She approached the hole in the floor, sending him down a few more floors and through the Earth.

Clint walked beside her, "Come on, we got one more stop," he told her with a hand on her shoulder.

I continued to hold Pietro as we all ran out of the house before Vision had the chance to recover.

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