In all honesty those little dates we used to go on were better then all the ones I went on with Noah mainly because all we wanted to do was impress each other and we didn't really vibe that well.

"Hey Morgan, can I come in?" I heard Tanner say peaking in through the door. "Yeah." I replied struggling to put my earrings on.

"Well you look nice, going to Nick's after party?" "No, but are you?" "Nah his sister Gabriella is gonna be there."

"What's wrong with his sister?" "She's a stalker?" "Didn't you go out with her?" "Yeah once and she was super weird."

"Dude That was in seventh grade, she's probably different now." "She's not. I went to a party like two weeks ago and Camila and I were just casually having fun and making out and then all of a sudden I hear an iPhone camera taking pictures and I saw her run away."

"Doesn't she go to boarding school because her parents were worried about her." "Yeah but then she started fighting girls from there or whatever and got expelled." "Damn she was fighting to get back into your life really hard."

"Yeah but I'm not tryna be at a place where she can get ahold of me and follow me here. Nick told me that one time she got in his trunk because she wanted to find me but she couldn't get out so she never found out." "Wow, you sure do get all the ladies." "Oh yeah definitely." He said being cocky.

"So where are you going since you aren't going to the party?" "Camila's house, we're gonna watch a movie or something." "Or something?" I laughed.

"Listen, she isn't exactly the hookup type, she's waiting until she's ready." "If you clean yourself up a little she'll be all over you." "I wish, but I think abstinence is a big thing in her family." "Oh, than it seems like you won't be getting it anytime soon." " I'm kinda okay with it. She's a really great girl." "Well at least everything is going well for you."

"So where are you going tonight?" "A date." "With that college kid?" "Not exactly. I'm going with this boy from Tampa." "How the hell did you get him to come here?"

"He may or may not be best friends with Julian." "Well does Julian know he's here?" "No and I don't want you to tell him." "Why not?" "Because he doesn't even know that we talk."

"How did you meet him?" "We hung out with Julian and his friends." "Be careful, Julian is a good guy and all, but he does have a little bit of a reputation and I wouldn't be shocked if his friends were like that."

"Thanks, if you wanna meet him you can just to show you how good of a guy he really is." "It's okay, I don't have to be in all of your business."

"Well I should probably get going, but please don't do anything stupid or illegal tonight." "I won't." He laughed as he walked out of the room.

I peeked out my window to see Zach sitting in his car fixing his hair. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

I quickly ran downstairs, put a mint in my mouth, and threw a lipstick and lipgloss in my purse.

"Hi." I laughed knocking on his window and he jumped a little. "You little-you scared the hell out of me." "Sorry, but I had to." "Well let's go." He said pulling out of the driveway.
Julian's pov
After Lexi asked whether I liked Morgan or not I became speechless. I wasn't sure whether it was because I was shocked that she asked that or if it was because I truly Liked her.

"Julian this relationship can't be a one sided thing. I thought this was the kind of relationship that you wanted; fun and flirty with a little bit of a serious side."

"I do want that kind of relationship, but I don't know if it's with you. It's not that I didn't like our relationship or what we had, it's just that you might not be the right person for me, you know."

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