07| Nothing I've Ever Known

Start from the beginning

Peter's foot crunched against the pavement as he took a step in front of her.

His gut sank. Twisting with dread. He instantly regretted taking Lelia with him.

"You need to get back—" He started, but was cut short by a whirling sound that chilled them both to the core.

Suddenly, the front window erupted into a piercing blue light. One that was alien and unnatural.

A vibration zipped past them, the movement audible and touchable. Lelia stumbled back with shock, fear immediately sinking with her gut. This was far from normal. 

"W-what was that..." She whispered, afraid the perpetrators inside might hear her.

Lelia eye-balled the front door. She felt their essence before she saw them.

"Lelia, go." He demanded through gritted teeth. Peter knew he shouldn't of let her come. He was far too concerned for her well-being. Why did he ever think it was a good idea to bring his crush to a fight?

Peter usually crept upon the scum that littered his hometown, he was usually quick and efficient. He made little mistakes these days. But as soon as Lelia walked by his side, most of his attention was tuned to her.  And now, that might be the cause of both their deaths.

Because these lowlife criminals had something he failed to anticipate cautiously. They had alien technology that could slice him in half. Knowledge he acquired from listening to their conversation for a single minute. The Thorns could tell Peter was outside before he realized.

They were also thirsting for revenge.

"I'm not leaving you." She insisted, taking a step so she was standing at equal distance.

Peter cursed himself as the leader of the gang stepped onto the porch.  His name was Daquan Monty. The man Peter had helped put in prison months ago.

His skin was dark, but not dark enough to hide the colorful tattoos that were visible on every inch of his exposed skin. That was his only distinguishable feature, one that Peter remembered. One that made him second guess himself, and remind him that Monty may be blinded with rage, but he was also intelligent. Monty had connections. He had ways to get out. He had many ways to get revenge.

"It's the spider boy." He chuckled, seeming less intimated by Peter than the last time. It was definitely not a good sign. Monty had stepped up his game. Instead of just a t-shirt, he was decked out in an expensive leather jacket.

"I was hoping I'd see you again." His heavy combat boots clunked against the wooden porch.

Even Lelia recognized him. And she didn't know what to do. Especially since Peter was just standing there, gawking.

Monty cranked his head to look at the fear-stricken girl, just as his greeting faded into silence. Peter knew he was pleased to see them both afraid. But now he had seen Lelia. Perhaps he would perceive her as his weakness.

"Who's this?" He spat on the ground.

Peter shrugged to release the tension building up in his shoulders. His spider senses were telling him that there were at least 5 men hiding behind the door. Waiting for a signal.

Peter had to buy time. But he didn't know how that would help his dire situation.

"A spectator, who will watch me put your ass back in prison. Again. Where it belongs." He said smugly, though on the inside he was afraid.

Lelia was thinking the same thing. How stupid could she be? To think she could fight along Spider-Man.

Maybe in any other situation. But not this one.

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